Christine LaGarde & Pals are Killing Europe
"This is a very dangerous moment now, ….[a] third world war is knocking on our door."
"This is a very dangerous moment now, ….[a] third world war is knocking on our door."
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Europe
This is About Gold
Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson
Hate The Fed, Despise The ECB
Europe Rates are Way Behind the Curve
A Third World War Hits the EU Monetarily
Supranational Sock Puppets
***BOA Gold Volatility Data
This is about Gold
There is no mention of Gold or Silver in this post other than here and at very bottom. But make no mistake about it. This post is about those assets.
Countries like Hungary are the ones correctly seeing the limitations of Pollyanna promises, unsustainable spending, and ideological biases that cause the problems experienced right now— and they are buying Gold.
Hungary's Gold Reserves through July 2023…

As such it is important when an Eastern EU block country’s leader talks candidly. Hungary, which has defied the West’s monetary policies yet remains a part of the West’s united front is one example.
The question that keeps coming up here: Why are these nations buying Gold if they are with the West? The obvious reason is their geographic locales demand they have a safe neutral money if needed. But it is fascinating how these nations can be morally similar to the west, yet draw the line at Western monetary policy decisions being forced on their own.
The conclusion? Europe’s G7 Central Banks are run by ideological idiots. Gold is a hedge for idiocy. And that is why this post is about Gold.
Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson
After watching the Tucker interview with Hungary’s Viktor Orban looking for explanations as to his own countries policies we asked ourselves, what in our neck of the woods, Geopolitical/Finance, does this remind us of?

The problems Orban cites have certainly infested EU finance as well. The answer then is central banking policies.
Hate The Fed, Despise The ECB
Hate the US Fed if you must. But know this. They are much better at their job than the ECB. Here is the proof.