
Founders MasterClass- CoT plus Silver technical report

Sunday's Discussion in podcast form

***BONUS: Silver Technical report at bottom***

Broad topics listed. The best way to take this all in is to listen only, and if a topic comes up you want to get more info on, pop this screen open.

  1. Intro Liquidity problems

  2. Gold CoT analysis walk through

  3. radar, trigger, action

  4. Moor Technical comment

  5. Silver CoT Analysis

  6. Last short squeeze had no follow through in silver

  7. Financial and collateral crisis causing deleveraging effect on funds

***1:11:00 time mark: starts an extended conversation on Silver spot being above futures and why it is relevant- almost 50 minutes long***

Silver Backwardation…

  1. is this bullish? RADAR

  2. what makes it actionable, technically or otherwise- TRIGGER

  3. What is risk and target- TRADE

Long funds added, short funds added, commercal longs closed, commercial shorts added
  1. is this bullish? RADAR

  2. what makes it actionable, technically or otherwise- TRIGGER

  3. What is risk and target- TRADE

  4. how is this different than Gold? why might it be different?

  1. Last time the funds were this short what happened,

  2. how long did it last

  3. what about time before

The full video is for paid subscribers