
Founders: Sunday Gold and Silver Discussion

CFTC CoT reports analyzed.


  1. Gold CFTC discussion- near a low or not

  2. A JPM excerpt at bottom

  3. Tomorrow: We were lucky enough to get the following Gold report from a friend and will do a thorough write up on it tomorrow morning

About The Sunday Gold and Silver Discussion

These informal but content heavy discussions frequently focus on the COT weekly metals reports with some relevant concept touched on to help prepare for the week’s trading. with Q&A on various topics.

This week we discussed in detail:

  • The types of fund participants in Gold and how they trade and manage risk.

  • How volumes and open interest changes in context of Fund behavior can determine if we are near the end of a directional down trend or not.

  • And what this weeks cftc cot report implies.

  • Volume, Open interest, who drives direction, and CoT analysis


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