Important Gold Update:
The last few days’ macro-focused updates were sent to you all on Gold/ China/the Shanghai Premium. While those updates have been accurate, something just did not sit right. Geopolitically and Secularly.. something was wrong.
Here is the key question we could not answer satisfyingly:
Question: What nation in their right mind would support their Fiat currency domestically while literally facilitating gold purchases in that country’s currency simultaneously?
The confluence of events surrounding what happened seemed to be too bunched up for coincidence. The net effect made no sense policy wise….
Things which could be explained away tactically at every level all kept aligning one way. They indicated an urgency from China.
That smacks of either economic panic or a well thought out plan being executed in an almost panic-like earnestness….or something beyond our comprehension.
We now have an idea of what is going on.. at least what makes the most sense now.
After getting confirmation from one mainland contact on reasons for their current capital control configuration, we have reached out to another and are awaiting feedback.
Full post later today
BOA Weekly Metals report and Tesla report attached.. No gold reports seen yet