Special Note.
Good morning. Some subscribers may not have seen the messages we’ve put out the past couple of days.
Will be back with scheduled posting on Friday. Taking 2 days off from morning broadcasts.
Gold is making new all-time highs once again.
A couple days ago we gave targets for the upside.
We firmly believe 2890 to 2900 will be our next stop. That may not sound exciting today. Keep in mind we said it when gold was trading between 2790 and 2810.
We believe that the US is one of the buyers of the gold now and not just speculative funds. obviously that can’t be proven.
We also are now noticing with raised eyebrows miners. That may seem “late”to those of you who have been watching them closely this past year or so. The activity has definitely changed with actual money flowing into the asset class. A chart sent by one of the founders’s confirmed this visually.
All that money that’s on the sidelines that Hartnett said would flow into gold and bonds..?. It looks like it’s flowing into gold *stocks* and gold and bonds.
As a result, literally considering putting on a long GDX short gold spread. The gap between minors and gold might be just beginning to narrow for all the right reasons this time.
It might be time to chart Miners versus tech stocks… Lol.
Anyway, enjoy the ride
We posted this yesterday and did not email to everyone. Here it is if you haven’t seen it.