
**ATTN: Technical Podcast Update**

Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)


Each day subscribers will now receive: Technical excerpts on Gold and Oil, a podcast for Gold and the S&P, and the Oil morning comment. Cost for this will be $50 a month starting next week (GoldFix Founders are grandfathered in).

All of this is institutional quality work curated/edited by GoldFix for active day-traders.

  1. Podcast Technicals by Moor1

  2. Oil AM News Commentary2

  3. Gold Commentary by GoldFix

  4. Technical levels: Gold, Oil, S&P

  5. Occasional Institutional Technical report

  6. Read the footnotes

**If you have no interest, do nothing.. these will stop hitting your inbox next week. Noone will spam you on it.**

About Moor Analytics:

Moor Analytics produces technically based market analysis and actionable trading suggestions. Reports are sent to clients twice daily, pre-open and post close. 
Go to MoorAnalytics.com for 2 weeks Gold, Oil, and Bitcoin reports free trial.


The full video is for paid subscribers