
'GoldFix and OilFix' Podcast Test Friday

Moor Analytics Energy Podcast Excerpt for 8/5/22

Housekeeping: Good morning.

GoldFix’s growing readership can boast a diversified group of users from: Masters Univ. students ( UCONN this fall), investors (PM, Oil, and Stocks), and traders (Day/ Macro). All types have 2 things in common. They seek to get some decent content; and they want to use it to make their own wealth-growing decisions.

This post is specifically for the Day and Macro Traders amongst us. If you are a short to intermediate energy trader then this content may interest you.

We will continue to have these partials semi-regulary for premium members. We will also be doing more with Michael as we’ve indicated recently to GoldFix/OilFix readers.

Happy Friday, VBL


Some context of this new content.

Almost daily Michael Moor now does a podcast1 for his energy client firms to complement his daily technical levels. Clients include hedge funds, a major oil company, and some prop-trading types. Goldfix people are familiar with his work from our weekend Founders discussions and my reference to it on the GoldFix2 podcast. Energy is a different animal for him.

Redacted Samples

GoldFix Note: Do not attempt to use price levels without symbol explanations or context. Moor sends 2 reports daily on each commodity they cover. The attached are non-actionable summaries. This video excerpt is for Moor client use or GoldFix testing and not for redistribution3.

TECHNICALLY BASED MARKET ANALYSIS AND ACTIONABLE TRADING SUGGESTIONS Moor Analytics produces technically based market analysis and actionable trading suggestions. These are sent to clients twice daily, pre-open and post close, and range from intra-day to multi-week trading suggestions. www.mooranalytics.com

Go to MoorAnalytics.com for 2 weeks Gold, Oil, and Bitcoin reports free

***More on this and RBC on Commodities below***

The full video is for paid subscribers