Housekeeping: Good afternoon. Hartnett’s Weekly report is presented 2 ways: 1) Video walk-through with commentary 2) Hartnett’s main points broken out below, Enjoy.
**Note: 17:55 to 19:10- technical dificulties. No content was lost.**
Hartnett: DeepPeak
Scores on the Doors: crypto 7.8%, gold 7.1%, stocks 3.8%, commodities 3.5%, oil 1.8%, HY bonds 1.3%, IG bonds 0.8%, govt bonds 0.7%, cash 0.3%, US dollar -0.3% YTD.
Tale of the Tape: monetary easing peaking; global central bank rate cuts in ’24 = 164 (vs. 32 hikes – Table 1);