i know BIX is not a fan of METALS FOCUS and believes they are a FOCUS GROUP for manipulating data ?? , but it makes sense that ELECTRICAL EXPANSION combined with the return of silver being used as A STORE OF VALUE , will FORCE expenditure into new tech , CLIFF HIGH predicted there will be a new method of micro weaving nano fibers to replace existing methods , and this will reduce greatly the quantities of silver needed , and still provide the same outcome

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Sep 17Edited

Also: the cliff high stuff is no joke.

They are working tirelessly to reduce silver dependency for sure! Trying to reduce silver use in solar a lot as well

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Sep 17Edited

MF has 2 types of posts.

1- the type wix talks about. HES Rigjt. I know for sure based on their owner.

2- the other ones like this one that must report facts once in a while

)Note: BIX WIER: Not even going to change these. I have some dyselxia.)

Here’s the thing none say that I’m going to say:

Some guys are right and then all they see is lies. (Not referring to Wix.. just they I read no one’s opinion anymore. Wix is one of the better ones)

And the fact is those guys are unable to see when liars tell the truth.

These guys lack an ability to see objectively. Because they are biased themselves and their paycheck depends on page views.

That’s it. Even murderers by flowers for their wives once in a while.

The trick is knowing when the murderer is actually telling the truth.

That comes from experience, knowing your bias, and a knowing when the other his is acting out of need or just desire.

And: being paid for performance as posed to performing to be paid (salesmen)

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