Two disclaimers...

1: I admire Don, a lot less some of the people he chooses (or is compelled to choose by the self entitled demigods/senators) as his soldiers.

2: I'm venturing in something far above my pay grade, so... don't bash me too much.

As far as I like to see him bash a lot of P.O.S. (Wef....) I believe it's a lot posturing like, well, a new sheriff is arrived in the city.

Bashing them and then chitchatting friendly like the Obama bromance isn't something I like... Smell like a sham. When he bashes them or when he chitchat with them?

Shock and awe to have them lower to their knees and then start dealing again?

Honeymoon in reverse? I bash You now so You will appreciate me later?

It looks so much like a College sit, a new big guy arrives and kick someone just to make an example with the other guys...

GIGO: on geopol he is feeded by the usual otherwordly cloud of bad three letter people, so , garbage in, garbage out. 1 million russian soldiers dead? Come on, open Your eyes, maybe 100.000 to 1 million ukr sheeples sent to die by who? for what? Smedley got it right a century ago...

CDBC: they are evil, I agree, but can he have a voice on another countries decisions?

He's really trying to bully or it's the usual 5-d chess of Q-anon with a vengeance?

My fears are two: that he is ill informed and guided from the usual cabal to a point when he isn't got seriously anymore (spent like a card) or that he feels overpowered and in this case, what if the world would go to tell him... "or else"?

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Trump is definitely working off flawed information regarding Iran, Russia and China. He will not get the results he is expecting.

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If one looks at governance as dealmaking, it amounts to a series of discrete zero-sum outcomes.

This method will de-emphasize relationships, predictability, and long-term planning.

Cooperation will be out of favour, squeezed out by coercion and bilateral self-interest above all.

However, blocks may develop even faster to counter-balance the influence being exerted. Hyper-bifurcation, perhaps?

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MBS needs 80-90 dollars to break even FISCALLY, so, why would he agree to Trump's oil price drop?

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