Why You should care about China's higher advertised Gold Price

Why You should care about China's higher advertised Gold Price

On the validity of China's manipulated price discovery

This is in response to something asked on twitter about the validity of yesterday’s podcast entitled: Comex Pricing is a Lie.

Also partially posted on twitter here

That whole extemporaneous reply is here for all.

Let this recording be a jumping off point for a broad discussion on Gold Pricing.

Any on these concepts should be left in comments here and will be answered here hopefully soon as I will semi-frequently monitor this for all of us.

Note: I am not married to these ideas, but they are a product of over 20 years of analysis, observation, and education by people who understood market structure better than I. No conclusions have been made. Bets have been placed. All ideas are original

Ego is not attached to being correct on the observations discussed here. It does not have to be. The author’s wallet is. And if the sum total of what has been learned about market structure by this writer over 25 years is wrong, then he will be f*cked financially anyway.


Article from 2016 mentioned:

When China Confiscates Gold- Get Silver like JPM When China Confiscates Gold- Get Silver like JPM By Soren K.Group 11-14 minutes…
Read more

That is a repost from a 2016 article published here explaining how China controls domestic Gold where I quoted Ronan Manly.

Colleagues cited: Diego Perfumo

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