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Big Funds took FOMC profits: Bigger ones Bought

Founders Sunday CFTC Discussion

Housekeeping: This is long. You’ve been warned

Some quotes:

Highers Lows in Oi and Price with shorter cycle duration= Event Hoarding..

And they’re baaaaaack..banks must be shitting a brick now as

FOMC, bullish as it was, triggered profit-taking but funds starting buying it back up 2 days later. That is predictive of things between now and the election

The week should start higher based on how market reacts first few days after 20k buy ins.

The one thing that will trigger some selling without an event will be if we bump up against OI highs

Bank Swap Dealers are not making option markets now

The Citadel cavalry will come in soon, if for no other reason, to make money. The banks not doing their job projects weakness in US capital markets


  • Funds added longs. Banks added shorts

  • Banks are at their ATH short positions with OI not near its ATHs yet.- Producers are not selling like they used to

  • Banks continue to show almost no option exposure- check GLD for fund playing now

  • Net Fund positions are now over 55% of total OI which is higher than the Covid peak. This kind of jumps out and is consistent with the bank short side mirroring it.

  • Swap Dealer Net Positions are short approx 258k which is at or above recent ATHs

  • The full commercial (Swap Dealer plus users) net short position at 336k is the 2nd highest of all time achieved during Covid era.

  • read the footnote1

CoT Analysis for Gold

Covers data from activity between Sept 10 and 17 inclusive

Weekly Price Change:

  • UP $53.00 from the 9/9 $2516 close to the 9/17 $2569 close

  • LOW= $2501 on 9/10 intraday

  • HIGH= $2590 on 9/16 intraday

Breakdown by Day

Overview: Trend/Normal Variation Week with Oi higher…

Day 1:

  • Red candle, down day.

  • Normal day, near doji OI up 2k.

  • Suggests: Nothing. new shorts, new longs..

Comment: Someone bt the dip, someone sold the rally noise by B-players

Day 2 :

  • Green candle, up day

  • Perfect Trend day higher-

  • Oi up 22k.. (another one comment on this)

  • Suggests: Long macro funds add to positions

Comment: PPI came in hot IIRC.. noone cared.. everything rallied. all buy predicting a 50bps rate cut. they were waiting for entry liquidity. Data point itself did not matter.

Day 3:

  • Green candle, up day

  • Almost Trend day..

  • Oi up 8.3k

  • Suggests: extension of Day 2

Comment: none

Day 4:

  • Green candle, up day

  • Normal variation lower? (long wick relatively speaking)

  • OI: down 1k

  • Suggests: strong hands to weak hands ( small buyers and bigger sellers loom and new shorts probably

Comment: none except this is classic short term, (and in past markets), longer term top behavior. This is not Gold-Classic however

Day 5:

  • Red candle, down day

  • Normal day

  • OI: down 5.7k

  • Suggests: orderly selling and fund liquidation

Comment: if volume was heavy, then also suggests new shorts getting in

Post Report: Day 6 to 8

Day 6:

Impulsive buying meets massive profit taking the mirror behavior of the PPI day. market worked higher all day as last minute people bought…… initial reaction was up.. then wooosh.. OI tells the tale JUST LIKE STOCKS

Day 7:

Cooler heads return. Big up day, normal day.. but OI nowhere. Strongly suggests profit taking into new buying

Day 8:

And they’re baaaaaack.. 20k Oi added.. re-looking at day 7 now.. this suggests they were buying there as well .. implies flat OI in rally not as bearish as it used to be at all.. banks must be shitting a brick now

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