Founders: This is Where The China Gold is

Founding Member episode

The full episode is only available to Founding Member subscribers

Founders: This is Where The China Gold is

The History, the possiblities, and the reality

Housekeeping: The previous post was sent in error, that was the public piece

THIS is the Founders podcast is extemporaneous, thorough, contextual and historical. Please excuse the Demanding Dog interruptions…Those stop after the first few minutes. There is occasional profanity as well.

The Podcast transcript is separate and also attached.

The written portion below will be made available to Premium later today.



  1. Morning Musings on China’s Gold

  2. Western Misunderstanding and China's Strategy

  3. Learning from Past Crises

  4. Nationalism and Economic Strategy

  5. China’s Hidden Gold Reserves

  6. Conclusion: The Enigma of China’s Gold

This post is for subscribers in the Founding Member plan

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