All gold is monetary Gold. Labeling gold as non-monetary gold just because it's in a 24-carat ring? That's the accounting trick, hiding the value of gold in non-monetary gold. JPMorgan says we’re frontloading something. So what are we front-loading with all these “non-monetary” gold purchases? We're front-loading a Fort Knox audit. We're front-loading a gold bond or stablecoin or Basel III. Nobody really knows. But we are definitely front-loading something… which is just code for “Frontrunning”
At the correct temperature, All gold is monetary Gold .
What is This?
Opening: Usual Morning Market Rundown discussing asset prices and global shifts as market flow drivers.
The Discussion: on U.S. gold repatriation, including GDP impact, and strategic motives—potentially for Basel III compliance, a Fort Knox audit, or a gold-backed financial instrument including Bonds and/or Stablecoin backing
At the Right temperature, all Gold is Monetary Gold….
Topic Timestamps
0:00- Market Overview
13:03- Manipulation and Market Structure
15:21- Gold and GDP: JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs
-Gold’s Impact on GDP & Trade Deficit
-JP Morgan & Goldman Sachs Perspectives
23:33- Potential Motivations for Gold Repatriation
-Covering IOUs
-Preparing for Basel III’
-Gold bonds, stablecoins
32:50- Restating the possibilities
It's a trick if you use a trillion dollar platinum coin. But if the price of gold is $3,000 and you market the $3,000, it's not a trick. It's the market price. And you own the gold, right? It's not a trick. It's reality.
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