**Is Gold in a Bubble?

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of GoldFix

**Is Gold in a Bubble?

Yes. But not the way some think

Housekeeping: Good Afternoon.

“This whole move has been the beginning of gold’s revaluation. I think we may be at the beginning of a bubble, a bubble within a secular trend… based on economics and demographics”

What is This?

**This extemporaneous recording contains profanity**

This podcast is a checkpoint for Gold and Silver’s market behavior in context of historical bubbles in an attempt to figure out if gold is in one. The conclusion: it feels like the beginning of one.


  1. Where we are now

  2. Inflation and Deficit Concerns

  3. Personal Perspective

  4. Boomers and Millennials are Coming

  5. Investment Cycle and Market Dynamics

  6. Regulatory Trends

  7. Predicting Bubble Behavior

  8. Why budgeted spending is bigger than the 1970s

  9. Secular vs. Speculative Bull Markets

Detailed outline attached

Podcast: Gold Bubble Checkpoint

1. Introduction

  • Market Context: Overview of gold and silver market dynamics.

  • Current State: Surge in buying interest across various sectors.

  • Drivers of Demand:

    • Physical buying.

    • Fundamental buying.

    • Central bank accumulation.

This post is for paid subscribers

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