Sitemap - 2022 - GoldFix

First Take: What Russia Doubling its Gold and Yuan Holdings Truly Means

Russia Restructures Wealth Fund; Now Comprised of Yuan and Gold Only- RTRS

LTCM: How the Eggheads Cracked

Visualizing What $1000 will buy in Silver & Gold

ACTIVE TRADERS: Morning Gold and Bitcoin Podcast Excerpt via Moor Analytics (beta)

Market Rundown | Energy Risks, Gold Potential

Founders Note

GoldFix End of Year Thank You & Note

Breaking: Russia’s Largest Bank Partners with Major Gold Player, Launches Digital Gold Asset

Founders Post

The End of Western Rehypothecation- Pozsar Style

First Look: Zoltan Dec 27th New Post

Founders Only

How WallStreetSilver Came to Be

Active Traders: Energy Podcast Excerpt- BETA

Founders: New Zoltan Dec 27th

Tactical: Gold's Buy Season is Over

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt- BETA

The Case for $5,000 Gold and $200 Silver

Visualizing 25 Years of Lithium Production, by Country

Zoltan's Gold-mageddon Deconstructed

Government Agencies Directly Called Shots At Twitter

Guanajuato Silver Year End Letter to Shareholders

Ghana Makes Good on Gold Threats. Buys Direct From Newmont Mines

GoldFix Reader Gift

Premium Stocking Stuffer

Market Insight from Adrian Day

UNLOCKED- Active Traders: Gold & Oil Technical Levels

Some 2023 Investment Themes

Goldman's First Take on Japan's Move Today

SPECIAL REPORT: Gold, Silver Scream Higher as Japan Acknowledges,Takes Steps to Fight Inflation

Founders Discussion: Gold, Silver CoT and CTA Analysis

Gold: Holiday Trading Comment

Australia Preps for Bretton Woods 3

Active Traders: Energy Podcast, Gold, S&P, Oil Levels

Lawrence Lepard: "We are never going back to 2% (Inflation). That’s just not happening."

Weekly: Powell admits "moving around in the dark" again

Visualizing: The Science of Nuclear Fusion

Taibbi: The Twitter/FBI one-big-happy-family vibe

MUST READ: Unpacking Goldman's Supercycle Report for 2023

Active Traders: S&P and Gold Technical Podcast- BETA

Gold Confiscation in Pre WW 1 Germany

Active Traders: Gold, Oil Excerpt- BETA

GS Top 10 Commodity Trades for 2023

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt- BETA

FOMC Preview: Slower Frog Boiling Commences

Founders FOMC Prep

Futures Curve Structure

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast LARGE Excerpt

Special CPI Prep | Market Rundown

How Twitter Banned Trump

The Club of Rome is Resuscitated Marxism

Oil Markets on Sick Leave as 2022 Comes to a Close

Weekly: The Weak Before The Fed

Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast

Inflation is Dead, Long Live Inflation

Founders Friday

Gold Outlook 2023: The global economy at a crossroads

FINAL PROJECT: FNCE-5504-Options and Futures

First Look: Zoltan on Gold & Oil

Visualized: Energy Prices by Country

Sunday Gold, S&P 500 Technical Session with Michael Moor

Energy's Event Risk Hangover

Fitch Egan Ratings Note Nov 28th

Visualizing the World’s Largest Copper Producers

Sunday Founders Prep for 2p.m. ET

Weekly: "Bull Market in Central Bank Hubris is Ending"

Weekly Part 1: Is It Too Late to Buy Metals & Miners?

**Founders/Premium: Michael Moor Visits Sunday

How and Why Twitter Blocked the Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Active Traders: Oil & Gold

Commodity Pile On is Coming

Gold’s Role in the International System

Gold & Silver are Up Again: Jefferies Loves Miners

Active Traders: GOLD LEVELS

LME Autopsy

Silver Roach Motel

Moor Analytics Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast

Active Traders: OIL & GOLD LEVELS

JPM Says Sell Oil, Buy Gold for 2023

Is Gold Ready For Lift-Off?

Active Traders Poll Results

OIL: Revenge of the Contango- Brynne Kelly

Gold Shines Bright

Gold: HSBC Raises 2023 Price Forecast- Report

UNLOCKED: Moor Analytics Oil Podcast Excerpt

SAMPLE: GoldFix Radar/ Moor Technicals

UNLOCKED: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast

Elon Musk's Twitter 2.0 Sign-Ups Hit All-Time Record

US Selling, China Buying: Return of Contango

POLL: Active Traders

POLL: Active Traders

Five Reasons Why Ghana is Good For Gold

Founders Sunday Reading

Weekly: Ghana's Gold for Oil Announcement

Ghana plans to buy oil with gold instead of U.S. dollars


OIL: GS Oil Price Caps Have no Teeth

JPM's 2023 Gold & Silver Outlook Says $1860 and $25.10

Message to Moor/Technical/Active Trader Members

Gold: If China Bought, Who was Selling and Why?

UNLOCKED: Moor Analytics Gold, S&P Podcast

China thought to be stockpiling gold to cut greenback dependence

How The East Will Buy Gold for the Next 100 Years

Ukraine: Zelensky Missile Boondoggle Is Starting To Unravel

Jim Rickards Warns Of 'Unstoppable Crisis Worse Than 2008'

Sam Bankman-Fried Becomes an ESG Truth-Teller

Is Someone Front-Running the Gasoline Winter Build? by Brynne Kelly


Jim Grant on Gold's Central Bank Buying and Possible Revaluation

Sunday Special: Jim Grant on Gold

Founders: Jim Grant on Gold

Weekly: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Energy- Report

Advanced Options: Skew, Kurtosis, Collars & Puts

Peter Schiff: We're In The Eye Of The Inflation Hurricane

Inflation Stage 2: The Mid 70's Pull back

‘Queen Caroline’: The Risk-Loving 29-Year-Old Embroiled In The FTX Collapse

Gold Comment: $1794 is the Wake-Up Call

TECHNICALS: Moor Analytics Gold, S&P Podcast Excerpt

FOUNDERS: Full Energy Technical Podcast and Report

Gold: "The payoff could be asymmetric"

TECHNICALS: Moor Analytics Gold, S&P Podcast Excerpt

Finance Lecture 11.15.22

How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Crypto Empire Collapsed

Heating Oil: The Bullwhip Effect Hits the Northeast

Fed's Brainard: Crypto finance needs strong regulation

Buy Season Preview: Goldman’s Latest on Gold Walk Through

The Bullwhip Effect Comes to the Northeast Oil Complex

Weekly: Bullish Drivers in Gold & Silver (and Oil) Abound

MUST RE-READ: Banking’s Woke vs. Unwoke Split and the CRE Collapse

Time, Money, and People Change. Liquidity Crises Don't.

Gold, Oil and S&P Podcasts: IMPORTANT NEWS

Energy Podcast: Moor Technical Excerpt (Beta)

Gold & Silver: Banks Start to Wonder Aloud 'Why the Rally?'

Gold: Sell Pressure, Market Dynamics, and more-


CPI Prep: Metals Scenarios Today are an Indication of Weak Shorts

Founders CPI Prep

Popular Gold Posts We Read

Van Eck: Glimmer of Hope for Gold’s Rebound

"This inflation was in fact decades in the making."- Schiff

That Time a Billionaire Self-Described His Crypto Biz as a Scam

ENERGY TECHNICAL PODCAST: Oil, Nat Gas, RB, Brent, and more

Establishment Supports Central Bank Gold Secrecy instead Of Exposing It

Must Read: "Gold: The Fed vs Brics Central Banks"

TRADERS: Energy Podcast


Market Rundown | Election Day (Week?), Uranium Update

Founders Top Day

TECHNICAL PODCAST: Moor Energy Excerpt

Bloomberg Asks: Who Bought All That Gold Last Quarter?

SPECIAL: Midterm Elections and Investment Implications

Founders Note: Buy Season Warm up (NO CLASS TODAY)

Weekly: Gold, Silver Get China Boost Friday, Rally 3.2%, 7.3%

Jan Nieuwenhuijs: How Europe Could Push Gold Much Higher

Idealist Principals Meet Economic Reality in Energy Markets

Zoltan Pozsar: 'Volcker was lucky'

More money to fight inflation?

TRADERS: Technical Pack for Fed Day

SPECIAL FOMC Preview: Inflation will be Higher for Longer

Why are Silver and Gold Up today? and Goldman's Fed Day Prep

Zoltan Oct. Interview: Founders Sunday Discussion

Idealist Principals Meet Economic Reality in Energy Markets


Options Gamma Squeeze Dynamics


Weekly: Higher Inflation Tolerance is Coming

Founders Friday : Metals Update

IN FULL: Gold, S&P 500, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast

FOUNDERS: Comprehensive well written Crypto Presentation for reference

Expanded: Silver is just getting warmed up

Forget The Fed, Fiscal Spending to Drive Gold Now

Very Good Bond Thread

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

Silver Has a Problem, And it is Getting Worse

Personal Silver Note: We're just getting warmed up

Cornerstone Morning Energy Highlights

Moor Analytics: S&P 500, Gold, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Excerpt)

COMEX Deliverable Silver far less than imagined as 50% of ‘Eligible’ is not Available

Watch: Roubini recommends buying gold.

Energy Technical Podcast

The End Of The "Growth" Road

Interview: Russell Napier Predicted "The Fiscal Put"

Founders Only: As Promised Last Sunday + Gold Comments

PREMIUM: S&P 500, Gold, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Excerpt)

Rickards: "Rigging (Gold) Futures is Child’s Play"

Visualized: Why Do Indians Buy So Much Gold During Diwali?

Super-Backwardation: Cushing hub still weeks away from effectively running out of crude despite SPR

Have We Forgotten About Cushing?

The Cutting Room Floor - 10/23/2022

Stockman: The Macroeconomic Consequences Of Lockdowns & The Aftermath

Special Note: Why Silver Will Be Money Again

Weekly: Bear Repair, The Bumpy Road Back in Charts

UNLOCKED: S&P 500, Gold Technical Podcast Excerpts for Oct 21.

Special Silver Comment, and Tesla Earnings are "Science Fiction"

A Digital Drive to Reform the $11 Trillion Global Gold Market

Rickards on Gold Manipulation

Gold Is Natural Money

UNLOCKED: MoorAnalytics Gold, S&P 500, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt

Crude Oil: The Rise of Uncertainty

Gold is migrating from the West to the East.

VIDEO: Moor Energy Podcast Excerpt

Graphic: Gold Versus Every Fiat (Still) Alive

Fall 2022 MIDTERM: FNCE-5504-Options and Futures

Distillate Reveals the True State of the Oil Complex

Weekly: Powell Didn't Pivot Yet, But Yellen Just Did

Market Rundown | What Did CPI Even Mean?

***CPI Preview***

Lesson 7: Advanced Expiration Graphs, Butterflies

Moor Energy Podcast Excerpt

Market Rundown | JPM on Platinum, Goldman on CPI Expectations, S&P Levels

Market Rundown | This Note is For You

Oil: Two Bridges Blown


Weekly: Germany's In (Very) Bad Shape, Gold is Oversold, and a U.S. Hard Landing Cometh

GOLDFIX EXCLUSIVE: Energy, Gold, S&P 500 Technical Podcast Excerpt (Beta) 10/7/22

'Quiet Quitting' Isn't Just About Jobs; It's About a Crumbling Economy

Market Rundown | Even Blackrock Admits Fed is in La La Land on Inflation

Markets believe Fed’s 4.5% solution gets inflation to 2%, markets are wrong and more

Energy Podcast Excerpt (Beta)

Market Rundown | Banks Punish Silver Shorts

Lebowitz: Gold’s Correlation to the Fed

New Content,Thank You, and Founders Renewals



Special Gold Technical Post

UPDATED 10:52 a.m.-SILVER RALLIES 7.99% as CTA Shorts Get Destroyed, Gold Breeches Important Tech Level WATCH FOR THE FED NEWS NEXT

ACTIVE LEVELS: Gold Technical Levels Podcast (Beta)

UPDATED 10:52 a.m.-SILVER RALLIES 7.99% as CTA Shorts Get Destroyed, Gold Breeches Important Tech Level

Beta: Expiration P & L Graphs (Part 2)

ZH: Gold & Geopolitics

Gold has never been so attractive

Weekly: Special Gold and Silver Note

Fortress America: Monroe Doctrine Says Higher Rates Coming

Because that's what happens in a bank run...

Multipolar World Order – Part 2

Goldman Identifies The Trigger for The UK Crisis and Why This Will (Not) Happen Here

Oil Technical Podcast Excerpt With Gold Technicals

Gold Soars 2% on England Restarting QE

Gold and Oil Technical Podcast

Hurricane Ian and the Port of Tampa

How Mercantilism Brought Europe’s Fragmented Economy Together

Weekly: Return of The Plunge Protection Team

Even a Weaponized Dollar Won’t Stop Gold’s Historical Turning Point

Visualizing the Cost of Europe’s Energy Crisis

Europe is in big trouble and Japan is Right Behind Them - Founders Friday

REPOST: Second Whistleblower Emerges - A Deep Insider's Walkthru To Silver Market Manipulation

JPM and MS FOMC Reaction plus Moor Energy Podcast Excerpt (Beta)

Founders Sunday Sept 18th Recording

FED DAY: What Happens If... A tactical perspective

SPECIAL: Fed Preview and What The Fed Fears

The Next 10 Years: Who Benefits From Fixed Supply-Chains?

What is Driving Oil Prices Now?

EIA Inventory Recap - Week Ending 9/09/2022

Oil Prices: Tracking Commercial Inventory Trends Rather Than SPR Trends

Founders Class Options Textbook PDF

Weekly: Great Week for Silver, Bad Week for Stocks

London Silver Inventories Continue to Plummet as Metal Exits LBMA Vaults

White House Releases Bitcoin, Crypto Regulatory Framework

Founders: Special Gold Technical Comment

JPM Says No 100 Basis Point Hike | Market Rundown

SLV ETF and Spot Plumbing Analysis from 2011

The silver shekel, valued at $1 million, dates to A.D. 69

Market Rundown | Silver Holds, Gold Rolls

Special CPI Prep | Market Rundown

Twitter Spaces: Gold, Silver, and Energy with Vince Lanci, Tom Luongo, Keith Weiner, Bob & Jim

Founders Sunday Class: What is Going on in Silver?

Crude Oil SPR Inventory Levels at Historical Lows: Does it Even Matter Anymore?

Weekly: Why Stock Longs Are the New GoldBugs

An Asian Bretton Woods?

Mkt Rundown | CTAs Cover Silver Shorts Again and "Back to School" Chart Book

"To get the inflation rate to the Fed’s target of 2% by then would require an average unemployment rate of about 6.5% in 2023 and 2024"- Brookings Institute

GOLDFIX EXCLUSIVE: Energy, Gold, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt (Beta) 9/9/22

Oil: It's The Weather Silly

Barclays Recommends Shorting Gold and Miners Today- Our Take

Founders MasterClass- CoT plus Silver technical report

Oil: The Big 'Switch' in Seasonal Headline Risk

Russia Will Permit Bitcoin Be Used for Cross Border Trade

The Commodity Crisis is Here for Europe.

Sunday Founders Prep

Weekly: Russian Oil Gets "Capped" and CNBC Reanimates Goldilocks

Russia won't export oil to countries that join price cap; will send to other markets

Visualizing The Combined Effects of Energy Shocks and Easy Money

We Had a Higher Standard of Living on Gold


Energy Podcast Excerpt and Metals Refinery Risk

Fed Paper Admits Central Bank Can't Control Inflation; Finger-Points At Federal Government

Special Silver Note | GoldFix Technical Video

GoldFix Technical Levels for Gold & Bitcoin

China Dominates the Solar Panel Supply Chain

Elon Musk Exposes Twitter's Woke Underbelly

Meet Oil's Widow-Maker: Volatility Explodes in Heat to Gas Spreads

SPECIAL: Oil & Nat Gas Podcast (Excerpt)

Market Rundown | Aug 30th

The Oil Market's Widow-Maker: Volatility Explodes in a Traditional Energy Spread

Weekly Report: Fed Isn't Backing Down

Weekly Part 1: Gold and Monetary Statecraft.

CONFIRMED: Either Market too Dovish, or Fed too Hawkish

Poli-Sci Podcast: What is "Semi-Fascism" and Proto-Fascism? - 5 minutes

UNLOCKED: Powell Struggles to Not Be Arthur Burns 2.0

GOLDFIX EXCLUSIVE: Energy, Gold, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt (Beta)


Zoltan's Latest: "Bretton Woods III is destined to happen. It’s already happening"

Silver Physical Demand is Buying the Dip Again | JPM on Gold

Morning Energy Podcast Clip (Beta)

Rhine River Water Levels Visualized

Nat Gas Price Explosion Puts U.S. Diesel in the Crosshairs This Winter

EIA Inventory Recap - Week Ending 8/12/2022

Energy: Running Out of Cheap Seats and Diesel Markets are in the Crosshairs

Ted Butler: The Short Position in SLV

Gold and Silver Being Played Again- Correlation Spoofing

Weekly: Gold and Silver Being Played Again- Correlation Spoofing

Energy and Gold Technical Podcast (Beta)

Bullion Markets Clean House of Morgan

Biden Revives Biggest Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale In America's History

Why is Productivity Down?

Geopolitics: The World Is Splitting Into Two

The Fed is Lying | Market Rundown

Short/Gamma Squeezes are Mob-Style Events.

SPECIAL: The Bed, Bath, & Beyond Squeeze Story with More to Come- a Frontman for big money?

Visualized Global Trade If Russia Wins

Rates Must Eclipse 4.0% if Fed is Serious About Killing Inflation

Trading: Nat Gas Technical Podcast Excerpt

The Fat Russian Lady is Getting Ready To Sing For The LBMA

The Ethereum Merge is Coming: Here’s what you need to know

Analysis: Mining Lessons From the 1970s

Founders Masterclass: Goldman's Bullish Commodity Report for September

Energy: Commercials Faced with Binary Problems This Winter

Energy Markets Enter Peak 'Known' Unknown Season

OilFix Podcast Technical Excerpt

The Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a Trillion Dollars

Weekly GoldFix: Gold Must Follow Silver Sunday

Weekly Part I: Goldman Sets Table for the Next Bull Market Leg

Graphic: Visualizing a Bitcoin’s Dollar Value in Gold

Weekly OilFix Podcast Excerpt

Goldman Not Backing Off Commodity Price Spike Belief | Market Rundown

Graphic: Gold vs. the S&P 500 in Historical Recessions

JPMorgan on Bitcoin and Ethereum

Opinion: Cramer, Twitter, and Manipulation

Graphic: Who Produces Natural Gas Globally

JUST NOW: JPM Gold Traders Found Guilty!

Gold Trading Comment

UPDATED: CPI COMES IN LOW: Market Rundown | CPI Prep

How Much Of "Inflation" Is Just Corporate Price Gouging?

NYT OPED- "There is no recession yet. Right now we are in a 'vibe-cession' of sorts"

Oil Podcast Test

Market Rundown | BBG on Gold, Goldman Says No Recession

Oil and the Dog Days of Summer

Graphic: The Top 25 U.S. Newspapers by Daily Circulation

Recap Of The Biggest Crypto News In The First Week Of August

SPECIAL: Founders Class Guest Michael Moor Today

Weekly: Payrolls Explode. What’s going on in the US economy?

UNLOCKED: War And Interest Rates- Zoltan Pozsar

Cop vs Fed

Oil: Are Spreads Too high or Too Low?

Hawkish Fed My Last Longer Than Many Think- David Stockman

AUDIO: San Fran Fed's Daly Shows Exactly How Tone Deaf These People Are

"Greenwashing": When Green Energy Gets Greedy

'GoldFix and OilFix' Podcast Test Friday

Morning Energy Podcast- Excerpt

Gold (Up $25 today) and Silver Futures for the Next Three Months | Market Rundown

JPM's Gold Spoofing Profits Laid Bare

Central Bankers as Ron Burgundy

PODCAST: Founders Sunday Gold, Silver CoT Analysis

Gold Lease Rates Have Exploded | Market Rundown

Oil: Known Supply Additions are Coming to an End

Bombshell: JPM *Executives* Accused of Gold Manipulation by DOJ

Founders Slides and Link for 2p.m.

GoldFix Analysis Compilation

Weekly: Deep Dive into VanEck's Gold and Miner Analysis


Gold and the upcoming [great] recession

Inflation May Re-Accelerate Unless People Stop Spending | PCE Report

Clip: Leaders Handling Surprise

UNLOCKED: "Two Percent Inflation is a fairy tale translating into even worse inflation after the next recovery."

Fed raises 75bps- talks hawk, but not really

Zoltan Pozsar: "Given [the Fed's] updated mandate, recession isn’t an option."

David Stockman on the All-Out Commitment To Destroy Fossil Fuels… Will It Succeed?

Morning Energy Podcast- BETA

Silver Gets Sticky, Uranium Picks | Market Rundown

OIL: Winning the Price Battle, Losing the Supply War

OIL: Winning the Price Battle, Losing the Supply War

Founders: Gold CoT Analysis Sun 7/24/22

Founders: Gold, Silver, CoT Weekly

Video: How They Beat Gold and Silver Before Comex Futures Were Invented - 1959

Graphic: Top Exports in the USA

Weekly: The ESG Price Tag is $150 Trillion Dollars

Podcast: Moor Friday July 23rd Energy Analysis- Beta test

Gold and Silver: We Have the Gas, Now We Need a Fire

Global Manipulation: Three Continents, One Bank- Analysis

Silver Buyer "Up To a Billion Dollars" in Coins | Market Rundown

Podcast: Metals Spreads with Charts

JPM Gold Weekly Comment

Brief: Why is U.S. Inflation Lower Than Europe's?

Graphic: Countries with the Highest Default Risk in 2022

Graphic: The Cost of Living Around the World

Spoofing Gold ‘Common', Ex-Trader Says

Central Bank Digital Currencies

Video Clip: "Where do they [Russia] go, China?" - Sen. Biden on NATO concerns-1997 Policy

Founders Podcast: Gold/Silver Backwardation and Triple Top Formations

Oil: Biden Done, Heating Oil Season Looms Large

2p.m. Founders Class: How to use Gold Backwardation in day trading - Slides/Preview

The EURO: "Empires based solely on political goals fail"

ECB Bond Tool Seen Having No Limits as Steeper Rate Hikes Loom

Weekly: Good Time to Buy, Not Speculate

Twitter Spaces Round table with Palisades’ Tom B. and Bob Coleman

Backwardation and Beyond Podcast

Moor Analytics: Energy Podcast, Friday July 15th

Market Rundown | Some Truth About Gold and Silver

UNLOCKED: The K Economy- One Possible Future

Backwardation and Beyond - Gold and Silver

Hambro: "I managed to create a perception that [paper] gold credited to an account with a bank or bullion dealer was real"

A Peek Behind the Gold Curtain

SPECIAL PREP: CPI Expected To Be 9% Wednesday

Oil Spreads: Something's Gotta Give Very Soon

Crypto Markets: “It’s 2008 on crack.”

Weekly: Whole Lotta Gold(man)

**Founders Sunday CHANGES**

Russia and Canada Play Chicken With Europe's Nat Gas Now

JPMorgan And Citi are 90% of The U.S. Gold Derivative Market

JPMorgan Gold “Crime Ring” Trial Starts

Chart Book: The Inflated Reality

"I'm A Fan Of Gold" - Seth Klarman Supports 'Prudent' Positioning As Goldman Hikes Precious Metal Price Target

EURO Failure Is (Almost) Guaranteed

PFOF is Done for, Get Ready to Pay High Commissions Again

German Energy Rationing Begins

SPECIAL: JPM Says $380 Oil Possible If Russia Retaliates

Rationing: The Basis of CBDC

Weekly: Gold to $2500; Your 401K Has Questions

Founders Links

Policy: Meet The 4th Branch of Government- The Most Powerful One

Morning Rundown | Finally Someone Admits We Are in a Recession

Goldman: China's Lockdown and Gold

Morning Call- BETA

REUTERS: U.S. Power Companies Face Supply-Chain Crisis This Summer

Path From WW1 to the Coming Reset

Energy Podcast Test

SPECIAL REPORT G7 Communiqué: Economic War Declared

Energy: Underappreciated Black Swan Could Bring Supply Chain Chaos

Weekly: Russian Gold Use Banned By G7, US

G7 To Ban Russian Gold Imports, Choking Key Market For Putin

Goldman/JPM on Gas Tax Holiday: Don't Bet on It

Doug Casey On Crashing Markets, Commodities, & What Happens Next

GoldFix Brief: Biden's Gas Tax Holiday and Rebate Card Idea

Ron Paul: "This new stagflation will make the 1970s look like a golden era"

Ray Dalio Warns "Reducing Inflation Will Come At A Great Cost"

Moor Video Sample


Morning Markets | JPM Mid-Year Commodity Report

Special: GoldFix Content Update

Geopolitics: "Russia is done with the West. The divorce is nearly complete" - Analysis

Weekly: Greenlight's "Fed is Bluffing, Buy Gold" Thesis


How Do Gold and Silver Really Fare in Stock Crashes?

UNLOCKED: What Russia Thinks Will Happen Next

SPECIAL BRIEF: 10 Year Investor Outlook (5min read)

WATCH: Founders Class June 13th Podcast

What is Going On Right Now? 3 Questions Answered

Founders Link for Sunday 6/12 2pm

Weekly: Gold Rips $53 on CPI as Global Bonds, Stocks Crater



Gold refineries to be established in Saudi Arabia soon: Official

Harvard Economists Baffled By How Gold-Tied Russian Ruble Goes Up

Founders Podcast: Interview with The Daily Gold's Jordan Roy-Byrne

Clip: What Do Fidelity and Citadel's Entry into Crypto Mean

CLIP 2: Why Did Bitcoin Rally so Violently Yesterday

PODCAST: How Pay For Order Flow and RobinHood Robbed Retail

Gasoline Doesn't Care About The SPR


Market Rundown | Retailers Are Morons (Again)

PODCAST: How Pay For Order Flow and RobinHood Rob Retail


Founders Preview: The Gold and Oil Chart Relationship Macro

Weekly: Retirement Report

"Structure" Trades Dominate Oil Markets

Market Rundown | Biden's Purple Crayon

Morning Rundown | Goldman on Commodity Hoarding

Summer Appreciation Note

BW3: Gold Replaces Dollars in Mercantilism

Weekly: In Gold We Trust

Gold in a Bretton Woods 3 World is Worth More

Market Rundown | Eyes Wide Open on Stocks, Bitcoin, and Gold.- Please Read

Morning Rundown | Credit Says "Crash is Almost Over"

UNLOCKED Founders Podcast: Gold CoT Analysis

Yield curve inversion at low-interest rate levels is a nightmare for the Fed, not The Economy

Founders Sunday Podcast: Gold Commitment of Traders Analysis

Weekly: Gold looks Good. Beware The War Double Whammy

UNLOCKED: To Get Inflation Down, Unemployment May Go Up- Zoltan Pozsar

UNLOCKED: From Thursday-Gold is the Silver Bullet for Volatility

Founders Recording: Zoltan's Ride of the Volkyries

UNLOCKED: Thursday's Post | Gold is the Silver Bullet for Volatility

The Coming Price Control Problem

Weekly Updated: Why You Own Gold- PREMIUM

Morning Markets | Goldman Does the Safety (Stock-Pick) Dance

Weekly: Silver CTAs, Dumb as a Stampeding Wildebeest Herd

Founders Zoom Note: Ride of the Volkyries

Notes on Fed Arrogance

How we got here: Fed west arrogance

Inflation in Mexico: 2022 and Beyond

CPI Preview: Gold and Stocks Continue to Diverge

Morning Markets | JPM Says 'Stay Long Stocks', But Bloomberg Likes Gold More

The Broken Bond Ladder

Weekly: A 5 Year Path for Gold and Stocks

**No Founders Class- Reminder**

More Credit to Cushion the Blow is Coming

Special Podcast: The Last 48 Hours

"Gold is Useless, And Therefore Perfect" plus other essays for potential posts

Morning Markets | Fear/ Greed Founders Recording

Founders Recording: Fear/Greed Indicators, Master Archive List

Morning Markets | Natural Gas (NG and stock) Chart Package

Founders 3pm Preview

Founders Preview: Fear, Greed, Options and Vixx

Weekly: It’s Unofficially a Recession,The Alternative is Much Worse

Sanctions: The Straw Breaking The Dollar's Back- Goldman Sachs

Bretton Woods 3? Da

Morning Rundown | Data Dump Friday, More Stagflation

Founders Recording: 1999 Ashanti, Gold Y2K Gamma Squeeze

The World Won't End, But Your Lifestyle Might


Uranium Post Link Fix

Morning Markets | The Uranium Bull Market Continues

Goldman Warns Of Higher Oil Prices & Volatility Due To "Self-Sustaining" Physical & Financial Deficit Doom-Loop

CORRECTION: Go to the site for the unlocked version

UNLOCKED: Credit Driven Inflation is Already Here

Founders Overview: 1999 Gold Gamma Squeeze. Retail won, Banks lost...

Weekly: Gold Likes QT, Tesla May Have Just Lied

Morning Rundown | China is in a Race to Debase Now..

EU Moves to Outlaw Proof of Work Bitcoin

Apologies: Zen Moment

Morning Rundown | What is Driving Gold- RBC Report

Morning Rundown | Gold and Silver Specs are Too Long, Netflix is Poorly Run

Special Note to Subscribers, Thank You

Market Rundown | The Asiatic Challenge

Gold is Useless and That's Why It Is Perfect

Cure Inflation "By Forcing Long Term Rates Higher"- Zoltan Pozsar

Unlocked: Structural Stagflation

Market Rundown | 'Inflation Has Peaked' According to JPM, GS, and DB

Market Rundown | JPM Says to Lighten Stock Positions, Keep Commodities

Oil Weekly: SPR Kicks Can Down Road Until September

3 PM FOUNDERS CLASS NOTES: How Research Influences Price: Goldman Sachs Commodity SuperCycle Story time

Weekly: Silver's Fundamental Future

Market Rundown | Goldman calls for 2 Large Rate Hikes in May and June

Market Rundown | JPM Says Stay Away from Tech, Bonds Aren't Done Selling Off

We Are In a Recession By Design

Chief Economist: Ukraine war to change fundamental societal structures

Market Rundown | Goldman Triples Down on Commodity Bull Thesis


(Inverted) Yield Curves for Dummies, Reprise

Weekly: Japan's Largest Bank Sees $2300 Gold by Year End, Goldman Spies Recession

Recessionary Drivers: High Prices, Rising Rates, War, and Yield Curve Inversion

Market Rundown | Sleep Walking into Recession

Founders Topic Notes: Yield Curves Explained

Founders Sunday: From Gold Standard to Petrodollar- How The US Did It

The Ruble Play

Market Rundown | JPM on Curve Inversion, Recessions, and a 15% S&P Rally?

Founders Discussion Notes: Gold and Silver Spreads

Global Dominance is Changing Hands

Morning Rundown | MS on Geopolitical Turmoil and The Global Economy

Money: Legal Case Against Everything But Gold and Silver

How The West's Ban On Russian Gold Could Backfire

Weekly: What moves Gold $200 Overnight?

Why Ethereum Matters

Russia Just Told You The Ruble is Backed by Gold and Bitcoin

GoldFix, Bitcoin Podcasts

When China Confiscates Gold- Get Silver like JPM

Why buy gold? Buy stocks instead!

Snowden Discusses Bitcoin's Lack Of Privacy

Banks Are Restocking Gold At Fastest Pace In Years

We Are Seeing A Struggle For A New World Order

Graphic: Companies as big as countries

CTAs Start to Exit Gold | Still Cheaper to Buy Homes Than Rent

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Exercise Their Tesla Options Days After Infrastructure Bill Event

Podcast: Gold, Bonds, and the Inflation Cycle

Life In The 1970s

Founders Discussion Review:

MAP: Which Nations Ban Crypto?

Weekly: Gold, Goldman on the Vixx Debacle, and More

Gold's Potential in Crisis Context: Flow trading analysis, Levels to buy if/when the selloff comes Wednesday March 16th

Morning Rundown | "It’s not just about oil; watch food and fertilizers"

"Government spending is reducing the national debt. It is not inflationary."

The Replacement for The Swift Dollar is Here

Post Fed | Banks Predict Ten or Eleven More Hikes

UNLOCKED: Technical Note

One Chart: Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, Ever Blindly Trust Banks With Your Life Decisions

SPECIAL: Three Possible Outcomes for Russia

Market Rundown | Peak Fed Rate May Be 3% Now- MS

Weekly: Structural Stagflation

Morning Rundown | Peace Talk is Talk

Gold: "A crisis is unfolding. A crisis of commodities"- Zoltan Pozsar

Nickel: Silver's Possible Comex Default Roadmap

Morning Rundown | Monetary Reset is In Play

Jeffrey Gundlach Says Oil Tops Out At $200, Stagflation Is Here

In nod to Russia, Ukraine says no longer insisting on NATO membership

WATCH LIVE: President Biden Announces Further Russian Actions scheduled 10:45 ET

Founders Discussion

Gold Soars To $2,063, Just One Cent Away From New All Time High

Ukraine War Still Not Priced In

Bifurcated and Ballistic | Morgan Stanley on Oil

Latest News From The Ukraine War: March 8

US Inflation and Geopolitics

Monday US Stock Recap

JPM: 50 Point Rate Hike in March Likely Not Needed- Analysis

PREMIUM: The Most Likely Economic Path From Here is Stagflation then QE

Good Delivery List Update: Gold & Silver Russian Refiners Suspended


Mercantilism is Back

A Complete Summary Of All Russia Sanctions And Developments

Founders Class Recording March 6, 2022

Weekly: Russian Nesting Dolls | Barrick Gold

Special Note: Sunday Founders CFTC Analysis Prep

Transitory Was "Not Conceptually Wrong"- Jerome Powell

Swift Sanctions on Russia Are Useless- MishTalk

Putin May Spark $30 Crude Oil, Risks Another 80% Drop- Bloomberg Report

Founders Recording: CoT For Gold and Russian Markets

How Iran evaded sanctions by using gold and how Russia will likely do it now

White House Quietly Calls On US Oil Companies To Increase Production

Market Rundown | Oil, Gold Analysis

GoldFix: Market events, Q&A

SPECIAL: What Happened Yesterday In Charts

Wednesday Rundown | Pan Am Silver

What Happened Yesterday

Tuesday Rundown | Stuff Hitting Fans

Tuesday | Ukraine developments

What Ukraine Crisis Will Do To Commodity Prices- JPMorgan

Saving glut of the rich

Blain: The World Has Changed... And Changed Utterly

Ron Paul: "It All Comes Down To NATO"

Goldman Says Gold Is The Currency Of Last Resort

The Ukraine – Taiwan Risk Connectivity 

Sanctions, Russian Gold Reserves and More- Goldman

Monday- TRADE NEWS BLOTTER: Russia/Ukraine, sanctions and reactions as they relate to US markets, Gold, Oil, and Monetary issues..

Crude Oil: Fog of War or Legitimate Supply Issues?

We Have Begun A Great Transition

Morning Rundown | Gold and Silver Are Valuable

SUNDAY MARKETS: Russian SWIFT Ban Means Monday Chaos

Report: What Are Russia's Real War Aims?

Golden Yuan: Crude Backed By Gold is Here

Weekly: Markets More Worried About Fed hikes Than Ukraine

Proper Link

RESEND: Friday Rundown | Nothing to See Here

Friday Rundown | Nothing to See Here

RoadMap Ahead: Fog Of War Descends, Don't Expect This To Be Resolved Any Time Soon

Russia ready to negotiate with Ukraine – Kremlin

2 Important Reports Just Out

Recon thread

Who is Leon Tuey?

Market Rundown | Russia Invades Ukraine

Oil, Gold, Silver Retail Positions Lopsided | Russia Uses Rule of Law to Win

Rickards: Geoeconomic Warfare

Tuesday Markets | Why Russian Sanctions Will Be a Joke

UNLOCKED: Ukraine News Update

"The Canadian Trucker Protest Has Proven Every Bitcoin Crank a Prophet"

Sunday Note: Ukraine and Oil Prices

Weekly: "The World is Short Commodities, China is Long"- JPMorgan

Sunday CoT Founder Notes

Sunday Founders CoT Note Pad

Friday Markets | "Maybe FOMC members talk too much"

Dear Vlad: Ukraine's Borders Were Drawn by Lenin and Stalin

World’s ‘coolest dictator’ rebukes US

The Teens and $1900...

Thursday Markets | Gold on Path to War? Always has Been.

Global Oil Inventories Are Exceptionally Tight: Reuters Analyst

"Russia has consequently laid the groundwork to achieve victory along several paths"

Canada Sanctions 34 Crypto Wallets Tied to Trucker 'Freedom Convoy'

Twitter Lists followed and created

Wednesday Markets | "Gold to $2,200"

video upload test

Oil: Events That Shaped The Week

Ukraine Crisis Moves for Gold, Oil, Bonds

Morning Rundown | Oil, Gold, and Ukraine New Research

Founders Recording: Ukraine Behavior, CoT Analysis, Reading Moor's Friday report

OIL: Ukraine Crisis Comes With US Oil Inventories at 10 Year Lows

Gold UPDATE Leon Tuey

WSJ Oped- "Inflation is Everywhere"

Market Rundown

UNLOCKED: In Event of War, Peace, and Beyond in Ukraine

Weekly: Ukraine We Have a Problem

Ukraine- Russia Escalation FACTS

Morning Rundown | What is Bitcoin Worth in Gold?

Paul Singer, January 2013

Morning Rundown | "Not This Time Gold"

World's Top Oil Trader Sees Higher Prices

Russia and China Are More than Allies

BLS Job Revisions Show Every Job Report in 2021 Was Total Garbage

Why Europe's Buying Gold / Bearish Oil Report

Bank Bearish Oil

Premium: A Bank is Very Bearish Oil Right Now

NY Fed On Stablecoins

You Can't Give Gold Away Now

Peter Schiff: The Fed Is Going to Lose the Inflation Fight

Who Compiled The Joe Rogan "N-Word" Video

Morning Rundown- Tuesday Feb 8th

What it means when the Dollar rises and drops

Chinese Capitalism Changes Slightly

The Gold Penny vs The Silver Penny


Central Bankers Are Only Pretending To Lean Against Inflation

Gold and Silver Commitment Of Traders Analysis

Feb 6th Commitment of Traders Founders Slides

Weekly: Gold Wrangled, Amazon Ascendant, and Meta Mangled

Special Note: Gold and Silver Commitment of Traders Report

Gold is Money in Paper Form Again

How The Jobs Number Was Amazing- Podcast Brief

Market Rundown / TESLA Analysis

Gold’s Relative Performance Stands out in Turbulent Times

Central Bank Likely Bidding Gold Bullion Below $1,800

Morning Markets / OIL Research

MMT Will Split Money in Two

Gold: CTAs Got Long Gold on January 25th

Peter Schiff: Stagflation Will Shock The Markets

GOOGLE SPLITS 20 for 1 and "Time to Buy the Defensive Real Asset"- Goldman Report

The Globalist Reset Agenda Has Failed – Is Ukraine Plan B?

The Battle for the Future of the West

Goldman: "Factors Point to Gold at $2,150 in Twelve Months Time, Our New Target"

Market Rundown Feb 1- Gold After Goldman

What Drives Gold Prices- Fed Report

Founders Sunday Podcast

CNBC: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Interview

Oil Comment: Russia, US "Playing With Matches" Now

2022 Gold Price Predictions, Trends and 5-Year Forecast

No Wonder The Market Is Skittish

Bitcoin, Bullion, & Why 'FedCoin' May Never Happen

OIL: Events Shaping The Week


Weekly: Recession Now, Inflation Later

The Next Countries Most Likely To Buy Bitcoin Are...

Russia May Allow Crypto Mining and Gold-Backed Stablecoins, Lawmaker Says

GoldFix Podcast: What happened the last 3 days

Sunday 3pm Founders Class Topics

OilFix: Founders Group 2022 Energy Outlook Interview with Brynne Kelly

Morning Rundown: Fed Day. Don't Worry

PREMIUM NOTE: Stocks find a buyer Yesterday- unlocked

Morning Rundown: Russia Reactions Boost Gold, Hit Stocks

Weekly Report: The Really Big Pandemic Lie About Netflix and Peleton

Special Post: Mega Trends and Projections

Birth of the GoldFix Mercantilism Thesis

Interactive Trade Graphic

China and the USA : The Next 50 Years in 3 minutes- Podcast

China: Oil's Repeatable Patterns of 2008

Morning Rundown: Unbalancing Act

Politics Is Dead, Here's What Killed It

Parody: "Move Over Bitcoin, It’s Gold’s Time to Shine"

OilFix: What Drove Prices This Week?

All the Metals We Mined in One Graphic

Founders Class: Technical Trading

How To Make Better Trade Predictions

GoldFix Weekly: Time to Get Up and Go

Morning Markets: Friday Jan 14th, 2021

The Four Stages of Societal Collapse and Thiel's Libertarian Challenge

The Bent Pencil or How Ideology Kills Science

PDFs- Reuters 2022 Predictions, Gundlach's Powerpoint

UNLOCKED "Gold and Mining Stock Secular Bull Market Has Resumed"

Politicized Economics is "One of the greatest known risks we face in the year ahead"

The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns (2022 Edition)

The Cure for High Oil Prices is Higher Oil Prices

Morning Rundown for Jan 11th, 2021

Oil Brief: Events That Shaped Last Week

Ray Dalio's January Presentation- Founders Podcast

A 1997 Prophecy: The Unfolding Of ‘The Sovereign Individual’ Thesis

UNLOCKED: 'Growth Stocks More Vulnerable From Here' Goldman Sachs

Byron Wien and Joe Zidle Announce the Ten Surprises of 2022

Dec 26th Founders Class Recording

This isn’t even close to peak inflation

"Gold and Mining Stock Secular Bull Market Has Resumed"

Graphic: How Every Market Performed in 2021

El Salvador President Predicts Bitcoin $100,000; Two More Countries Will Use It In 2022

The Crypto Trading Cycle: Asian Weak Hands Selling To US Whales

Podcast: "Nobody Has Made Money Buying Bitcoin Since the ETF Was Listed"

Gold Seasonality: 29 Years of Data by Month

Zen Moments

Our Top 21 Visualizations of 2021

Top 2021 News Stories by Week

Gold, Bitcoin and Other Inflationary Hedges for 2022

Goldman's Top Charts For 2021

The Education of a Bitcoin Enthusiast- 2021 Annual Report

UNLOCKED: GoldFix Clint Eastwood, Santa Claus, and Your 401-K

Bridgewater's Market and Economic Observations For 2022