Sitemap - 2023 - GoldFix

New Content for 2024


Argentina Monetizes Taylor Swift

The 2023 Rearview Awards

First Look: "Argentina Monetizes Taylor Swift" and other insane predictions

Founders: Why ChatGPT May be a Bubble, and How to Play it

Ten Things That Didn't Happen in 2023

Founders: Apollo on Housing Recovery, Goldman thinks China is key in 2024

Watch: Why is the BiS Doing Gold Swaps?

Walmart Now Offers Gold Bars

Correction: Google Search Post

Google's Most Searched in 2023

Market Rundown: Why Silver Keeps Getting Punished.

Founders: What We're Reading

Pictorial: EVs Are Becoming Disposable Cars

In Case of Fire- Gold, Uranium, and More

What is The UNIT?

Founders: The Fed Can't Touch This [Inflation] in 2024

Market Rundown- The Big Wick

Founders: What did Bank Clients Actually Do in 2023?- Graphic

Gold New ATH on a Very Strange Day

BREAKING: They found the gold stops.

Confirmed: Mexico is Running Out of Silver

Market Rundown- Gold Stop Hunt On Deck

Founders: (What if) The Fed’s not done hiking?

How to Answer Questions Your Family May Ask About This Economy

**Special: Goldman CTA Report

Founders: Best Tech Stock Market Since 1999

Market Rundown- Triple Tops

Dave Collum's 2023 Year In Review: Down Some Dark Rabbit Holes, Part 2

Seasons Readings From GoldFix

Founders: Bond Vigilantes are Now Gold Vigilantes in 2024

**WGC Report: Where does Gold land in 2024?

Dave Collum's 2023 Year In Review: Down Some Dark Rabbit Holes, Part 1

Slidedeck: Getting inflation back to 2% in the G7 countries- Apollo

Founders: Geopolitical radar

Founders: MS Weekly Global Reflections

Hartnett Flow Show: Oil

BOA: PGM Supply Cut Risk Rises

CA: 2024's Key Market Drivers

2024 Election and Markets- Jefferies

JPM: Argentina Tackles Inflation and Deregulation

MUFG: Commodities Weekly

First Look: WGC Gold Analysis

BOA: Automotive Analysis

Nike Earnings

Nomura: China Rate Cuts are Coming

CTA Analysis: Steady as She Goes

The Great Taking - eBook and Video

'The Great Taking' Looms

Top 10 Themes for 2024

DoubleLine "Lower mortgage rates could actually soften home prices."

Election 2024: Divided We Fall

The FT: Five gold rings? I’d rather have silver

Founders: What Hartnett Actually Believes for 2024

Albert Edwards: "One Massive Bubble Waiting to Burst in 2024"

Luongo: The Suez Canal Gambit is a Trap

Biden vs. Trump: 2024 Electoral Landscape is Ugly

Founders: Goldman's Frankfurt Trading Desk 2023 Wrap Up

*China Buys Gold With Digital Yuan Internationally

GS Recap: Did Stocks Start Discounting Taiwan Risk Today?

US Hedge Funds Grossly Underinvested in Gold

Founders: What Drives The Economy in one Chart.

GSTrader: "Best (Macro) Charts of 2023"

U.S. Congressman Asks Powell About US Gold Reserves


**Special: CTA's Near Record Longs in Gold (Shorts in Oil)

Founders: Morning Audio Commentary

"We Sold Over $100 Million Of Gold During The Quarter": Costco CFO

**Premium: Goldman Gives Gold a Nudge, Raises Price Targets

**Founders: Tactical Gold Comment

Founders: Goldman Gets Sneaky, Raises Gold Price

Founders: Hartnett's Rate-Cut Palooza


NYT: America’s Endless War Over Money

Early Look: The BRICS Growing Influence on Gold & Silver

Jim Rickards: The Road to $15,000 Gold

Founders: Fed Flip-Flops, But Why?

RESEND: Substack issues

Founders: MUFG Commodity Outlook for 2024

Premium: DB's Full Gold and Silver Slide Deck

Gold Soars over $2000 as Powell surprises markets to the upside!

Silver Still Underperforms Gold

Will Powell Shut the F*-king Door Today or Not?

War on Gold: In Defense of Bullion Banks (sort of)

Gold: The Last 30 Days

RESEND: DB's Full Gold and Silver Slide Deck Analysis for 2024

Gold: UBS Raises 2024 Target to $2,250

Founders: CPI Analysis (Gamblers Anonymous)

JPMorgan: Still bullish overall, but not right now

Founders First Look: DB's 2024 Gold and Silver Outlook

What Caused Gold to Scream Higher Sunday Night

Founders CoT Discussion

Just Another Bullion Bank Intervention

ZeroHedge Edit: Deutsche Bank Not Bullish Gold

Gold: Bloody Sunday and More (Nov 29th-December 4th)

Founders: Reading Materials

**Special: War Declared on Gold

Founders: Unprecedented Tamp Down May Be Starting

Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview

Powell's Wage-Price Spiral Fears Were a Fiction... Hard Landing in Play Now

WSJ: Why Gold Rallied

Founders: Final Buy-Season Portfolio Update

A Europe That Buys Gold Together, Stays Together

FT Opinion: Golds weird rally.

Is This Gold Breakout For Real? De-Dollarization May Be The Key Factor...

UNLOCKED: Meet The Central Bank(er) of Central Banks.

***Morgan Stanley Asks: How is Holiday Shopping Going?

**What if the Fed Does Not Cut Rates

**Keeping Tabs on Central Bank Policies on Inflation

RABO Invokes Gold, Bitcoin: Asks "Why Trust the Fed?'

Let’s Be Honest About Gold: It’s a Pet Rock

Everybody out of the Pool, Now.- GS Trader

Gold Explodes, Hits $2152

Bad File Corrected

Sunday Discussion: Overbought, Not Overdone

Founders 2 p.m. Prep

Meet The Gold Vigilantes, Multi-Report Walkthrough

Gold audio preview for Tomorrow.

The Critical Minerals to China, EU, and U.S. National Security

Reality Check: Where The West is Now, and Where We Are Going

Founders: First Look Hartnett's Flow Show

Voice note: Gold Within ATH Distance.

JPM's International Month End Comments: Founders

Gold's All Time Monthly High Close

Founders: New ATH Gold Close, Bloomberg Discovers CTAs

NYT: Gold Bars and Tokyo Apartments

Founders Unlocked: PCE Data Day

Founders: Read this on Gold when you can

US GDP Numbers are too high. Why is that?

JPM: "Gold and silver to outshine lackluster base metals in 2024"

JPM's 2024/2025 Gold and Silver Report Slide Deck


Ep. 43 Tucker Carlson- Late Edition (with transcript)

JPMorgan's 2024/2025 Gold and Silver Price Forecasts

**Founders: Big JPM Metals Write up

China, Saudi Arabia central banks sign currency swap accord to foster trade

Founders: Rabo on Energy 2024.

Bullion Bank Trader: "Gold rush as price breaks October highs"

Toyota, The US Dept of Energy Are Using Silver in Hydrogen Fuel Cells.

Sunday: What (Goldman's) Gold CTA Report Says

Founders: 2 p.m. Preview: The Bridge and Tunnel Crowd is Buying

Sunday Reading: Headed into Next Week

Exclusive: China Is Testing Comex Legitimacy

Founders: BOA/TD CTA, US Election Fever

China's Gold Appetite is Insatiable...

Why Was the Opec+ Meeting Delayed?

Founders: Stock Market Ruminations From a Goldman Head Trader

**Bank of America's 2024 Silver Analysis

One Goldman Trader Says De-dollarization is not happening. He is Correct...

Founders: Morning Report Library

**Bank of America's 2024 Gold Analysis

SPECIAL: Founders Reading Material

UBS: Gold's Turn to be bought, Energy to be Sold

IMF Releases Digital Currency Handbook For World's Central Banks

Taxation: Google Makes More Money, Pays Less Taxes Than (Dirty) Exxon

Founders: All the Argentina Analysis

Political Earthquake in Argentina

Breaking: China, Saudi Arabia Dedollarize Beyond Oil

Preview: SilverFix Raw Feed Link

Founders: Argentina Elects a Libertarian

Founders: Blackrock's Regulatory Halo Effect- (Crypto) Must Read

FOUNDERS: Supplement

Israeli-Hamas War: Special (Very) Gold Comment

Founders: For those asking about "Buy Season" Exits- Plus Angry Trade Ideas

Pictorial: Global Reserve Currency Empires

Biden Again Calls Xi Xinping "Dictator": A Commentary

Gold's Steep Contango Implications for Everything

Founders Friday: The A.I. Revolution

CITIBANK: Oil Macro in Troubled Waters

JPM's First 2024 Gold Commentary

Newmont and Barrick Mining Special

Founders: Early Look.. Hartnett's 12 Angry Trades

Voice Note: Important *Trading* Comment on Gold

David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital adds $34.9Million to Gold Holdings

Story So Far: Review and Preview

ZeroHedge Edit: New Investment Ideas are Out

Buy Season: The Next Week or So

Japan's Largest Bank on Gold

Founders: Three Rules for Buy Season

Visual: US Government & Bullion Bank Behavior

Report: Goldman's Three Big Reasons to Go Long Commodities

Exclusive: Here's Why We Rallied So Much: Founders

First Look: 2024 Recommendations Have Begun

CPI Misses Low. Gold Gains, Silver Shorts Start to Cover

Silver & Gold: Why Paper (Still) Moves Physical Prices- Analysis

CPI: What GS Expects (Unchanged) and what Bloomberg Rejects (2% Target)

Founders: Bloomberg says the 2% CPI not within reach yet

GATA: Declining BIS Gold Activity Strongly Hints at Higher prices

Exxon Oil is Now A Lithium Producer

Exclusive: This is What Sell Season Looks Like

***Must Read: Sell Season Capitulation***

Founders: Greenlight Capital's Investor Letter

Founders: Happy Sunday

Weekly: "Worrying Uptrends In Inflation Expectations Are Being Masked"

Polycrisis: Compounding the Problems

PBoC in a Hurry to Buy Gold: Covertly Bought 593t of Gold YTD

Breaking: Moody's Cuts USA's Aaa Rating Outlook Friday After Market Closes

Quick Note: Palladium Vol

Bricklaying: Tom Luongo's Gold, Goats & Guns Podcast

Exclusive: China Took Delivery of US Based Gold Last Month

Founders: Gold's Western Exit Strategy

Ep. 38 The First Amendment is done.

Tucker Carlson: The Ukraine War is Ending

US Govt Shutdown. What Goldman is Hearing

*New: Starting Very Soon*

Bloomberg: Gold and The S&P Can Meet at $3000 in 2024

Special: Hartnett's Precious Metals Outlook for the 2020's

Founders: Hartnett's Annual Report

"Long Gold, Short US Exceptionalism"- Hartnett

Founders: Hartnett's History of Financial Markets in Pictures

Founders: One Bank, But Two Sales Stories

Newsweek: “China is Hoarding the World's Gold”

Founders: Goldman Trader says "Stay Short Japan Bonds"

Tom Luongo: The War On Cars Is a War on You- The Gold, Goats, & Guns Podcast

AI Boom Could Boost Demand For Precious Metals

Exclusive: Brynne Kelly's Oil Analysis and Gold Market Prep

Sunday's Most Read Financial Stories

Founders: Bullion Benefits "Post Policy Panic In Early 2024"- Hartnett

Deutsche Bank: Gold and Silver Over All

Founders: UBS Says As Bonds Rally, The Dollar Will Drop From Large CTAs

Founders: Sunday Zoom Log In

Investing: How Do BRICS Changes Effect Mining Stocks?

BRICS/Commodity Costs: Panama Restricts Access to Copper

Biggest Picture: Why Does it Feel Like G7 Leaders are Buying Indulgences From BRICS?

Good Morning: Big Tent Gold Revival

Alasdair Macleod: The Future Of Fiat

***Sunday Founders Special Guest Q & A

Founders: Geopolitical Comment- Middle East


Founders: Here is The Next Six Months Fed Playbook.. they hope

Can Gold stay bid into year-end?

HSBC Takes Stab at Using Blockchain to Modernize London’s Antiquated Gold Market

Jim Grant: "Gold is an investment in Monetary Disorder"

Founders: Morning Reports

Dear Zoltan, This is What Powell Should Do Beyond Today's FOMC

***Special End of Month Gold Post Video

BlackRock Says Investors Should Buy Miners: Bloomberg

Geopolitics: Taiwan's 2024 Election Puppet Show

"You ask for miracles, Theo? I give you Silver C.T.A.s"


Founders: Forces Move In, Tensions Back Off

Founders: Equity Rotation Out of Magnificent 7 is Huge This Year

The Silver CTAs Are At it Again (Sunday Reading Material part 1)

Gold During Wartime

Quick Gold Note.

Alan Greenspan, WSJ, 1981: “Can the U.S. Return to a Gold Standard?”

Founders: [W]e expect ‘24 bull markets in 3Bs of Bonds, Bullion, Breadth- Hartnett

Decoupling from Gold Killed the USD in the '70s.

China is Abandoning Western Gold Pricing Schemes

Founders: Bright Flight and the Growing Economic Divide

Grant's and 13D


Founders: Argentina is the Thing

Podcast: Middle East Analysis, Green Energy Doomed

Founders: Goldman just kind of slipped in a recommendation Friday...

Goldman Trader: Buy Gold Call Spreads

Founders: One Important Thing

Weekly Part 1: The End of Metals Rehypothecation May Be Coming

Data Point: China is Selling a lot of Treasuries.

End of Day Note: A Strange Absence Amidst a $200 Rally

VIDEO: Oil: Israel-Hamas War Room

Founders: U.S. Deploys Large Force- Geopol

Founders: A Strange Absence Amidst a $200 Rally

BREAKING Founders: This is Why Gold is Rallying


BREAKING: China May Issue Gold Bonds

IMF Paper- Gold as International Reserves: A Barbarous Relic No More?

How are spot prices determined?

Founders: Bloomberg Report Analysis

**Must Read: If Oil Goes to $150, Gold and The S&P Could Meet at $3000.

Gold shorts cover, Silver shorts add?

Founders: Geopolitical Recon, Gold Shorts Massive Coverage

Founders : Practical guide to a multipolar world-pdf

Visualized: What is the Cost of Electric Vehicle Batteries?

**Special Update: Friday's Rallies**

5 Signs Gold Will Increasingly Flow To The East

Geopolitics: "There’s no obvious path from here"

**Recording: Gold & Silver CoT Discussion | Watch

Founders: CTA Analysis Prep

Founders: Hartnett and a Goldman Trader on Stocks

Good Morning

Gold & Silver: Up, Up, and (Possibly) Away

***Founders: First Look, Granted.

Founders Friday: Look out Above

Founders: Booming Structures and Fiscal Incentives Kick in

Must Read: Middle East War Scenarios

Founders First Look: RABO Special Release

Gold and Silver: A Point of Pride

Founders: Don't Forget November 17th

Costco’s surprise big seller—1-ounce gold bars— are actually ‘one of the worst things that you can ever own,’ critic says

BRICS Dedollarization Trade Plumbing

JPMorgan (Strangely) Notes Something Significant About Gold

Founders: RBC on Gold, Nice Oil Report

Gold Holds Gains as Markets Mull Rate Pause, Middle East Crisis

Tucker Carlson Speaks Unpleasant Truths on The Hamas Attacks

Founders PM: Middle East Geopolitical Rundown

Gen Z Will Carry the Deepest Psychological Scars From Inflation: Bloomberg


Gold and Oil Provide Safe Haven Multipolarity

Founders: Israel-Hamas War Overview

Founders: Goldman on Israel/Oil

***Early Release: Founders CoT Sunday Discussion

Costco Is Selling Out Of Gold Bars.

Founders: No Israel Commentary Yet

Part 3: China Drops The Dollar, Goes Gold

Zen Moment: Dad Hair Care

*** Founders- Obesity Drug report resend

Founders P.M.- Goldman Trader Gives a Debt Reality Check

Geopolitics: "The Russians are going to win the Ukraine War"

Newmont Mexico Silver Strike Ends

Gold Outperformed Everything Except Stocks in the QE Era

Founders: Hartnett Early Look, Jobs Number

Zen Moment: Empty Nest

Founders: Oil's Selloff, Bonds at the Crossroads

Uranium: Bank Makes Massive Bull Case

Watch: Gold: A Journey With Idris Elba

Gold and Silver Daily

Chief Economist: Powell and Lagarde"Dithering" Lawyers, Not Economists

Warning: Content Storm

Founders: CTAs are very, very, short

Trade Blotter: The Fed Needs Oil to Die Before Bonds Do

Founders: FCI Gets Bad Financial Conditions


October Begins Badly | Market Rundown

Founders: A Very Bullish Uranium Report

Part 2: China is Taking Gold Public

Lee Kuan Yew on China: "It will do it its way."

Now What? | Market Rundown

Founders: Shorts are piling in now

If China Is So Weak, Why Are Commodities So Strong?

Sunday CoT Discussion: It's Sell Season

Founders: 'Government Creates Risk'

Morning Update: "Government Risk Creation"

First-Ever Filming Of Singapore's Gold Reserves In Super-Secret Gold Vault



Weekly Gold and Silver: Don't sweat last week. Read this...

Founders: CA Buys Gold $1869.17, Targets $2000... Hartnett's New Look

Alasdair Macleod: The End of the Road for the Dollar

The US Government Will Shutdown 12:01 a.m. Sunday

Quick Post: Miners, Oil, Commodities

Founders: Very Good Oil Report

Bloomberg: Chinese Gold Bugs Lift Price Premium Over World Market to Record Level

***Founders: Gold Follow up

China is Taking Gold Public

Gold and Chinese Behavior Update

Founders: Gold Note Preview

**Founders: China-Gold Note Preview

MUST READ: Addendum to Shanghai podcast

Pod: Why is Shanghai Gold higher than Comex?

Founders: Morning Desk Reports

Reuters: Tanzania Buying its Own Gold now for Global Trade

Founders: Morning Desk Reports


WAPO Shows Trump Up By 10%, Calls Own Poll "Outlier"

Founders: Gold CoT Analysis and Hartnett Likes The Gold Again

Weekly GoldFix: This is The Big One

JPM Takes Goldman's SuperCycle Narrative and Runs with it

EXCLUSIVE: Fund Manager Shares Deep-Dive into Asian Geopolitics

Tom Luongo: The Battle for Gold Pricing Control

Founders: Goldman's GLD Bull Spread Trade

Uranium Bulls: Defying Trends and Redefining Energy- PDF

Sen. Bob Menendez Indicted Over Gold Bar Bribery Schemes

Founders: JPM's Return of The Oil Supercycle

Goldman's Traders See Increased Bullish Option Activity in GLD

**GOLD MUST READ, Founders: Do not share**

Founders: Wronger For Longer

The Fed Just Raised Their Inflation Target: FOMC Analysis

FOMC Preview: The Pause That Depresses

Founders FOMC: The Permanent Pause

A federal government shutdown looks more and more likely: What to know

Yet another JPMorgan gold trader sentenced in ongoing spoofing crackdown

Gold & Silver. We're in a good place right now

China lifts temporary curbs on gold imports as renminbi recovers

Founders: Notes on Shanghai Gold and Silver Premium

Founders Sunday Gold CoT Discussion


Reality Check for Silver, Gold Shorts- Weekly Part 2

Founders: Chapter 11 Bankruptcies Rise, Hartnett Gets Confident

Questions Answered Gold, Silver, Biden Mining Policy and China.

WHAT TRULY CAUSED THE 1970s era of inflation and SPENDING TO END?


Why Comex is Already Dead- Weekly Part 1

Biden wants to make Gold miners pay royalties

Biden wants to make Gold miners pay royalties

Founders: Chile's Cochilco on Silver and Gold just now

Why You should care about China's higher advertised Gold Price

Tucker Carlson Looks at Hyperinflation in Argentina

Podcast: Comex Pricing is a Lie

Founders: Bonus

Founders: Goldman & JPMorgan's CPI Analysis

Silver in September | Market Rundown

Founders: ESG Gets a New Name

Impact Economics Clip

Exclusive: Goldman's Head of London Metals Trading on Gold

Why Does Spoofing Happen?

Founders Sunday: The G20 is Dying Slowly

Charting America’s Import Reliance of Key Minerals

Bond Yields and Oil Prices rising while stocks rally never lasts

Founders: Hartnett Thinks Bonds Could Drop Along With Stocks This Time

Unlocked: What is Spoofing?

Weekly Note: AngloGold is a Copper Miner Now- RBC Report

Founders: Flow Show First Look

More Inflation is Coming.. but it’s the "good" kind

CTA BEHAVIOR Compilation

One Final Answer on Metals Manipulation

**Silver & Gold: This is What is Going on Right Now

Founders Walkthrough: Why Silver is Getting Sold Right Now

Founders: More Oil

FT: Inflation worries Japanese rush to buy gold

Founders: It's All About Oil Again Folks

Inflation: We're Not in Zoltan Territory Anymore.

Special Metals Comment

Must Watch: 7 minutes on Why Gold, Why Now, Why Stacked

Founders: GOLD Let's See How Committed the Long Funds Are This Week

Founders.. just in

Inflation Reacceleration Risk is Real

Gold's Perfect Turnaround Week

Founders Labor Day

Visualizing All Of China's Trade Partners

Gold Will Destroy The Keynesian Fallacies

Will The BRICS Dethrone The US Dollar?

Escobar: BRICS 11 — Strategic Tour de Force

This is The Great Reset

Gold's Resilience Gives Out Recessionary Vibes

Germany Scraps Wind Farm for Coal Mine After Shutting Last Nuclear Plants

Forget CPI: Inflation In Necessities Has Skyrocketed Since 2020

Hartnett Knows This is Not The Boom Biden Wants

Reshoring Supply Chains Will be Via Corporate Subsidies Like These

'10 Best Days': A Meme For Every Bull Market

If Anything, The Data Is Almost Weak Enough To Spur Recession Fears..."

The Unemployment Rise Begins | Market Rundown

Founders: Flow Show Early Look

Gold & Silver Activity Recap

Tucker Carlson Interviews Barstool's David Portnoy

PM GoldFix: Dear Fed, "Why do you have a job?"

***Founders: Soc Gen’s Edwards Believes The Recession is Almost Here

Founders Discussion. CoT for Gold, Silver

WHY IT CAN BE MUCH WORSE THAN THE 1970s… but does not have to be.

Christine LaGarde & Pals are Killing Europe

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungary's Viktor Orbán

Founders: China Invades EU With Cars


REPOST of 2016 EXCLUSIVE: Judge Orders Gold Manipulation Case Valid

Trader Asks: Why Are We Buying Less Stuff?

Founders: Immigration, the Hot Button Issue for 2024 Emerges

Doug Casey Q & A: The Battle for Strategic Resources in Africa

Founders Podcast: The BRICS Shrugged

Front Running the CCP With Silver

Founders Daily: Gold Shorts Now Accumulating

Weekly: Brics Summit, Great Reset Update, Best of the Week

Hartnett says "Pop & Bust" After Last Hike

Founders Friday: “Impressed by Gold's Resilience”

Podcast:"Everyone Agrees on Gold" (Includes Transcript)


"Raise Inflation" Drums Beat Louder as Powell Speaks Today

Founders: Jackson Hole Preview

ICYMI: Ex-Head Of JPMorgan's Precious Metals Desk Sentenced To Prison For Manipulation

How they came up with 2% inflation

Founders: BRICS Platform Strategy

New BRICS Members Declared

3 Major Things in Metals

Founders: The China US Divorce

Rickards: The BRICS 'Earthquake' Starts Now

**Special BRICS Gold Comment

An Inflation Message For Millennials and Zoomers From Gen X

Podcast: The BRICS Story and Event Prep

Founders: Rates... China... Growth... Inflation...

Founders: Hartnett's 18 "Inflationary Oligopoly" Commodities to Watch

Weekly: BRICS Summit, Jackson Hole, China Meltdown

Founders Sunday Prep Notes: CoT for Gold and Silver

The Whole Story on Silver Eagle Premiums

Why is The US Treasury's Silver Eagle Mandate Not Being Honored? : Analyst

Breaking: TD Bank Closes Tactical Gold Position

JUST IN: TD Bank Exits Gold Long

The BRIC-Gold Alternative to SWIFT-Dollar

RBC: Geopolitics, Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, and Sports??

Founders: Burry, Bacon, Baupost, Buffet, Soros, Renaissance, Moor, and More

CHINA: What is Country Garden and Why Does It Matter?

India and UAE make landmark move to settle crude oil transactions in national currencies

Doug Casey Interview: Real Economists vs. Policy Apologists

Spending a few minutes with Peter Grandich


China's Japan-Like Debt Trap

PM GoldFix: Why forecasting earnings for gold miners is hard.

Founders: Weekend Reading

Thank the IRS for Sell Season | Market Rundown

Founders: Geopolitical Comment. The Anti-BRICS Push?

How Turkey's Love Affair With Gold Impacted The Global Market

The Next Silver Price Short Squeeze

Founders: China has reopened, but nobody is buying it

Forced Frugality

PM GoldFix: Why Gov't Controls Money

Gold & Silver: Breaking Down ANZ's New Report

Founders: China's Problem Is Very Simple

Founders: Sunday Gold and Silver Discussion

Founders: Gold Report First Look

Goldman Trader: Shifting Sands

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt TECH BETA-TEST

Macleod: Beware The Great Unwind

Why Rome Collapsed: Lessons For The Present

Hartnett: And Yet Yields Continue to Rise

Weekly: Silver... Wait for it

Visualizing Market Volatility And Investor Emotions

Founders: Resend PDF

China's Largest Gold Mine Just Got Much Bigger: Aug 11 Report


Poland Continues To Aggressively Buy Gold


CPI UPDATE: Dollar Drops, Gold Pops, Then Everything Stops.

What The Fed is Thinking Now.

Founders: CPI prep.

Gold, MMT, Fiat Money Inflation In France

China Buys 23 Tons Of Gold In 9th Straight Month Of Purchases, Total Rises To Record 2,137 Tons

Special: The BRICS Gold Convertibility Problem

Founders: Europe Has a Death Wish

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt

Neo-Liberalism is Dying

OPINION: Last call for neoliberalism

Founders: S&P most at-risk from rates in 20yrs

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt

More Bear Steepening is Coming

Phase 2 of World Financial Demolition Just Started.

Founders: Morgan Stanley's Wilson Sunday Comment

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt

Hartnett Report: Zero Fiscal Discipline

Weekly: Hartnett Channeling Jim Grant Now

Founders: Hartnett on the Warpath

Alasdair Macleod: Gold Is Replacing The Dollar

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technical Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Do You Like Phil Collins?

SPECIAL: WGC Gold Demand Trend Report

Kazakhstan sells gold to balance reserves

In Possible Nod To India, Kremlin says "No BRICS Single Currency Yet"

Unhinged Fiscal Policy, Not Fitch Downgrade are the Problem

Gold Demand Trends Preview

Founders: Hydrogen and Nat Gas

Active Traders: Moor Energy Podcast Excerpt

Zen Moment: Was that your phone?

**Founders: Maybe the Debt Downgrade looked forwards, not backwards?

A World Dedollarized Is Gold Remonetized

Yellen: Fitch Downgrades US Debt Unfairly

Founders: First Look, Gold Demand Trends

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Zen Moment: Eavesdropping

Disintegration and Complexity Collapse

Biden: “We’re running low on 155mm caliber shells”

Niger and France Tensions Build: Uranium and Gold in Play

Founders: Aggressive (GeoPol) Report on US Military

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

*Special: Japan YCC Comment

JP Morgan Projects Record Gold Prices In 2024

Exclusive: China's Monster Silver Buyer Revealed

Founders: The Soft Landing Narrative

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Founders Hartnett Companion Post

Yield Curve Analysis

Hartnett Bearish Report Walkthrough and Updates

Founders: Flow Show Write up

Founders: Reminder and Hartnett Walkthrough Today

Russia's Gold-for-Food Plan Nails It: Analysis

Pakistan Mercantile Exchange plans physical gold trading

Founders: Resend Hartnett plus more

Turn The Tables On Financial Repression

**MUST READ: Russia Gets Real About Gold as a Settlement Unit for Payment

Zen Moment: Truck off the starboard bow.

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Founders: Hartnett Pre-View

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Fed Meeting: The Return of Corporatism

ST LOUIS FED PAPER: Fiscal Dominance and the Return of Zero-Interest Bank Reserve Requirements

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Fed Day: Powell's Legacy Now

Founders: Fed Day Analysis

Exclusive: What Zoltan is up to. Shotguns and Snipers

Zen Moment: No Dogs Were Hurt Making This Video

BOA says we're "Floating Out of the Dreamhouse"

Founders: Gold, Silver, Oil, Chart Package

Why is The US Treasury's Silver Eagle Mandate Not Being Honored? : Analyst

PM GoldFix: MS Bear Wilson Throws in Towel Right Before FOMC Announcement

Asahi vault 30 miles outside NYC added to COMEX approved vault list

Oppenheimer's Silver

SPECIAL: Alasdair MacLeod on Dollar Hegemon Death

FOMC Pre-Prep

Founders: China Deflationary Sh*tshow

Weekly Part 2: Institutions Watching Gold Closely Again, and an AntiGoldilocks Update

Weekly Part 1: Why House Prices Won't Back Down

John Law: The Mississippi Bubble

Zen Moment: a reminder

Fed Weak: "Interest rate [hikes] simply aren’t working"

Founders Friday: Hartnett Report First Look

Toyota’s Revolutionary Breakthrough: A Solid-State Battery with 745-Mile Range

PDF-The BiS CBDC Launch Updates

How Bullion Banks Will Be Your Friend One Day

Zen Moment: "I forgot your seatbelts"

Founders: A Peak Behind the Curtain, How Bank Research Works

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

**Video: Candidate RFK Jr. Wants to Back USD with Gold, Silver & Bitcoin

RFK Jr. Announces Bold New Bitcoin Policy Positions Today After Heal-the-Divide Hosted Events, Bitcoin Leadership meetings at Freedom Fest

Futures Manipulation Education

The BRICS Currency Project Picks Up Speed

Founders: The Globe Starts to Digest Inflation

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: What to make of Silver Vault Depletion

PM GoldFix: What to Make of Silver Vault Depletion

A.I. Thinks Artificial intelligence Wrote the US Constitution

Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Grants on Biden's Energy Transition Problem

REPOST: Silver-containing mineral as "secret of solid state batteries heading to households and EVs"

Macleod: The Bell Tolls For Fiat

Founders: Sunday post

Weekly: Silver CTA Alert

PM GoldFix: Must Read BOA Equity Analysis

The Rocky History Of Fed Independence

RABO: Continuity With Change

Gold should be dead, but somehow it’s still adding value

PM GoldFix: Permission to Be Excited

Founders: Grant's First Look

Many Countries Repatriating Their Gold for Safekeeping

Jim Grant: We Could Be Heading Toward A Generational Bear Market In Bonds

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

VIDEO: The Great Kentucky Civil War Gold Hoard.

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Gold, Silver Break Some Chains

CPI should slip significantly lower

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Tom Luongo and How a Global Reserve Currency Dies Part II

Just In: Russia to start piloting 'digital rouble' in August - Interfax


Founders: Standard Charter Says Bitcoin $100,000 Not a problem

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Founders Recording: Gold's New Friday Pattern

Addendum: Regarding the Texas Bill

Texas Wants to invest $5 Billion into Precious Metals September 1, 2023.

The BiS has inserted itself into BRICS CBDC platforms, what comes next?


Founders Sunday: Time Series Algorithms

Weekly: What is Going on with this BRICS Gold Backed Currency Stuff?

Zen Moment: Saving Private Herring

UNLOCKED: Watch Pozsar's May 22nd Interview

PM GoldFix: Tom Luongo Podcast Part 1

Palisades Podcast – How a Global Reserve Currency Dies: Part One With Tom Luongo

BlackRock Embraces Bitcoin

Arcadia Video: Bloomberg Warns On Silver Supply Due to Solar Use

Special: BOA's Gold and Silver Report Broken Down

Zen Moment: Cats may be evil, but they are not dumb

Eight Central Banks Increased Gold Holdings In May

Founders: BOA Metals Weekly

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Bitcoin Marketing Machine is here

Judge Kicks Censorship Complex in Teeth

Visualizing Gold Price And US Debt (1970-2023)

US court orders $146m penalty over 500,000 missing silver coins

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

Founders Podcast: Zoltan Returns

Gold Exchanges and Dollar Death

Sweden Goes Nuclear, Dumps Climate Agenda's Green Targets

**Geopolitics Special: Did the BRICS Just Declare Independence?

Yellen Will Go To Beijing To Move Supply Chains Away From China

REUTERS: India refiners start yuan payments for Russian oil imports -sources

Foreign Policy: A BRICS Gold Currency Could Shake the Dollar’s Dominance

Bloomberg: The World’s Appetite for Solar Panels Is Squeezing Silver Supply

Part 2: Here's How China Owns The Whole Solar Supply Chain- Analysis

Exclusive: China Dominates The Solar Silver Supply-Chain

Visualizing the Global Silver Supply Chain

Happy Fourth of July

PM GoldFix: Golden Ruble

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

ASML CHiP Exports to China Blocked

Solar Panels: Not All of China's Silver is the Same- ZeroHedge

The Controlled Demolition Of Nation-States

Founders: First Look

BREAKING: Moscow Exchange to launch Ruble priced gold futures in July

Part 1: Not All Silver is the Same

New Founders: How to Get the Most Out of These Reports

Gold Is No Longer a Good Hedge Against Bad Times

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Who Runs if Biden Doesn't?

Zen Moment 2: Aussie Party Planning

Zen Moment 1: Duck, Duck, Tiger

Audio: Japan as Example of Zoltan Pozsar's Financial Repression Warning

Why Do EU Global Leaders Hate Gold?

New Founders: Lots of GS Today

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Gold Revaluation, It's a Dog's Life

"Biden Could Get Crushed Next Year"--Analysis

Silicon Valley is on Drugs

Zen Moment: A Pirates Life for Me

Europe's Central Bank Risk Mgt is Brain Dead- ZH Edit

Exclusive: German Auditor Opens Door For Gold to Recapitalize ECB

New Founders: Gamma, Vol, and Gold Levels

Active Traders: Moor Gold, S&P, BTC Podcast Excerpt

PM GoldFix: Silver, BTC, CHiPS and ESG

Arcadia SilverFix Extra

Sunday Founders: Identifying Trader Bias

BITCOIN: Sunday Founders Discussion

Podcast: The Rise and Fall of the Silver Standard

Sunday discussion:

Exclusive: Newmont declares force majeure on metal products from Mexico's Peñasquito

I Saw the Face of God in a TSMC Semiconductor Factory

Peak China Silver: The Looming Extinction Event- ZH Edit

Gold-Bar Vending-Machines Rolled-Out At South-Korean Convenience-Stores

***Poll: Original Founders Only

Very Special Premium Post

Podcast: "There is no easy way out of this mess"

PM GoldFix: China and Solar Silver

China Solar Panel Silver Demand

Exclusive: Peak Silver in China, Growing Global Demand- Bai Xiaojun

Founders: Aerospace Ramp up part of reshoring/rearming theme

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technicals

PM GoldFix: Tucker Carlson Ep. 5

Rabo: Cooperation or Conflict

Invite your friends to read GoldFix

The role of silver in Chinese history – Richard Mills

Surge in China’s Demand for Gold Is Slowing as Economy Stumbles

Founders: We might be close to a stock top

Podcast: Golden Wedge On Radar

PM GoldFix: Putin, Nasdaq, Complexity Collapse, and More

Founders: GS Trader Talks in Detail About Nasdaq's Best Start Ever

Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis

Putin Shows Discarded March '22 Treaty That May Have Ended War

Part 1: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of China's Silver Pricing Power

Founders: note

David Stockman is "Not Going to Take it Anymore”: Weekly Part 2

Zen Moment: Judges say 10.0, 9.9, 9.7

Tucker on Twitter Ep. 4


China's Unfinished Business With Silver

Charting 200 Years of the Gold-to-Silver Ratio

**GoldFix Content Update

Founders: GRANTS

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technicals

**Founders GoldFix Exclusive: Peak Silver in China

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Technicals

PM GoldFix: FOMC, Tucker, Silver, and Gold

Rabo: Skip-Go?

Arcadia Video: China and Mexico's Growing Influence on Silver

Tucker on Twitter Ep. 3

Silver-containing mineral as "secret of solid state batteries heading to households and EVs"

NC House Republicans want state savings held as gold bullion

Active Traders: Gold Bullish above 1962 headed into the FOMC- Moor Analytics

Silver's Looming Supply Shortage

Founders: CPI Day

Active Traders: Gold, Oil, S&P, and Bitcoin Podcast


PM GoldFix: Europe's Computer Chip Dilemma- RABO

Reuters: Pakistan's Russian crude shipment paid in Chinese currency - minister

Rabo: Racing to the top (Computer Chip War Update)

Visualizing the World’s Largest Lithium Producers

Ron Paul: The Democrats Versus Trump - A Bad Horror Movie?

Founders: Special Monday Comment

Is Silver The Answer For Solid-State Cells? Samsung Thinks So

Bitcoin is a 'Decentralized Store of Value Immune From State Control'- Pozsar

Weekly Part 2 of 3: Zoltan Lays Out the State's Endgame For Bitcoin

Mr. Bean Actor: Electric Car 'Honeymoon' Over

Unveiling the Shift: Zoltan Pozsar on Geopolitics, Reserve Management, and Gold

Exclusive: Weekend Preview

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Podcast

PM GoldFix: Silver Runs 3.6% on Newmont Shut Down.

Newmont Announces it has suspended operations at Peñasquito Silver mine in Mexico

China’s Persistent Gold Accumulation: A Seven-Month Surge in Holdings

Nobody Wants ‘Commodity Basket’ Currencies

Research: The U.S. Told Russia to Link the Ruble to Gold in 1993

Gold: Little to no production hitting the market and somewhat inelastic demand from Central Banks

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Podcast

PM GoldFix: Battleground Preparation

RABO: Battleground Preparation

Central Banks' Unprecedented Gold Buying Signals Shift in Attitude and Motives

Gold revaluation & the hidden motive behind central banks’ gold buying – Richard Mills

Founders: Big Tech rally gives birth to Call Buying Frenzy in small caps

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Podcast

SPECIAL: Tucker Carlson's New Show Airs Now

PM GoldFix: Korea May Diversify Gold Storage Out of England

Korea "might consider diversifying Gold storage sites out of England for Safety"

**Must Read: Zombie Goldilocks

Bird Nest Shopping

Founders: Gold if Global Tensions Cool

Active Traders: Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin Podcast

OPINION: I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped- by Rowan Atkinson

Weekly Part 2: Breaking Down Goehring & Rozencwajg's Gold Commentary

Founders Sunday Discussion

Weekly Part 1: Gold's Future is Now- Podcast

Attention: re the last post

Fed Says Not Pausing, Just Skipping a Rate Hike— why that’s bad

Look Back: Activation of The SPR Put- Brynne Kelly

**Massive: Gold Gets Closer to Centralized Clearing in BRICS Solution to SWIFT

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

Fed Says Not Pausing, Just Skipping a Rate Hike— why that’s bad

PM GoldFix: JPM Downgrades Target

Stockman: "Speaker Kevin McCarthy has straw for brains and a Twizzlers stick for a backbone."

Goldman Warns of Next Bank Failure | Market Rundown

Founders: Fed Prepares to Skip June Rate Rise but Hike Later?

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

Zen Moment: Herding Ducklings

PM GoldFix: Blackrock says "Markets now accept rate cuts unlikely"

Five Letter Words

Founders: White Collar Armageddon ChatGPT Disruption Begins

Special: Gold Long Term Beneficiary From The Debt Ceiling

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

PM GoldFix: Debt Ceiling Rebellion Propels Gold

China Daily: Gen Z in 'gold rush' for precious metal investment

Russian Oil Flows Can Not Be Stopped

Americans Rank Gold As Second-Best Long-Term Investment

Turkey Sold Gold, What Does it Mean? | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: Styrofoam Plastics Fire

Founders: Debt Ceiling, Turkey, Chart Package

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

Francis Fukuyama Postpones the End of History

Monty Python's John Cleese Says ‘Life Of Brian’ Scene Won’t Be Cut Despite Modern Sensitivities

GoldFix Weekly: Memorial Day Special

Sea Worthy

Border Collie Loyalty Test

Big Effort, Little Dog

Dog Magic

Bird Bath

Magic Markers

Virtual Pot Lid

Dogs and Water

Just don't splash it

No Bottles Were hurt

Cardboard Surgery

Founders Gold Comment for Next Week

PM GoldFix: China Solar, Ron Paul, and more.

After Rs 2,000 note ban, gold traders tread with caution to avoid harassment

US Imposes Sanctions on Russia’s Biggest Gold Miner

Thoughts on Silver | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: The Girl Has Skills

Founders Daily: Silver, Debt Ceiling, and A.I. Bubble

Ron Paul: Biden's Running Out Of Ukraine Money

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

Turkey’s foreign currency and gold reserves fell $17bn before election

China’s Solar Boom Is Already Accelerating Past Last Year’s Record Surge

State Perpetuation

PM GoldFix: The "In Gold We Trust" Report and all about A.I.

Texas Lawmakers Consider Creating Gold-Based Digital Currency for Use by Anyone Anywhere

Chat GPT Attachment

WATCH: Pozsar's May 22nd Interview unlocked

Molten Salt Reactors: The Power Source That May Change Our Lives Decades Before Fusion

Founders Daily: They May Want the Silver This Time

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

New: JPM's Kolanovic likes gold... sort of

Zoltan: "QE will have to get restarted" | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: Dolphins

Founders: Bankruptcies on the Rise

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

PM GoldFix: 'Something else is Cooking' in Ukraine

Banks win dismissal of U.S. silver price-fixing litigation

LiBoR Rate-Rigging During GFC Was Allegedly Coerced by Central Banks

The Largest Steel-Producing Countries: Visualized

UNLOCKED SPECIAL: Debt Default (or Deal) Could Revalue Gold

Seymour Hersh: 'Something Else Is Cooking' In Ukraine

VIDEO: BlackRock Buys Physical Silver

Hartnett: The Fed Bubble Cycle

Founders Sunday Reads

Weekly: Hartnett Says "A.I. is Inflationary"

Zen Moment: Watering Hole

New Content Launch: The PM GoldFix

Central Bank Gold Buying Off To A Record-Breaking Start In 2023, Led By Singapore

Murray Rothbard On Taiwan & The Third World War

Charted: Commodities vs Equity Valuations (1970–2023)

Rabo: Thurs, Friday Posts


Zen moment: Mission Impossible

Founders First Look: Grants on Gold and TiPS

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

Real War with Russia, Economic War With China About to Get Hotter

"Now's The Time To Get Ahead Of Inflation Resurgence"

Platinum Market "Entering Substantial Deficit This Year"

Founders: Gold Sell Season May Be Here

US Equity Views: The near and long-term outlooks for S&P 500 profit margins

Founders Gold Alert: A Bigger Correction is Possible

Visual: How Much Oil Do Electric Vehicles Save?

Copper Prices May go “BANANAS”

Founders: A.I. and Stocks

TD Bank Buys Gold | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: We're On a Mission

Founders: Debt Ceiling and Semi Conductors

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

PODCAST: Tom Luongo's Gold Goats and Geopolitics

Charting Gold's Move East | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: Tabby Panther

Founders: Gold Report

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

ZeroHedge: Digital Gold Acceptance Grows Replacing Dollars

Sunday Discussion: CoT, Gold Levels, OI Analysis

BOA’s Silver Report Broken Down in Pics

Weekly: No Pause From the Wicked

Zen Moment: Happy Mother's Day

Founders: Kitchen Sink

BOA's Major Write up on Silver

Weekly Part 1: ZeroHedge Edit

China View: Ten Cruel Realities for Next 3 Years

CHINA DAILY: Why de-dollarization is inevitable

Weekly Part 1: Debt Default (or Deal) Could Revalue Gold

If The Fed or the ECB Revalued Gold

Rickards: How Gold Can End Debt Ceiling Showdown

QT Crush: The Fed Will Puke Longer Term Bonds Now

The End of of Financialization as our Primary Revenue Driver

Rabo: Neoliberal Architecture Not Crumbling Just Yet

Pakistan Wants to Buy Oil With [Golden] Yuan

Founders: Last Word on CPI

First Look: World Gold Demand Trends | Market Rundown

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, and Bitcoin

CPI Prep: Gold Performance Summary

Monday 3 AM, China Just Made Gold Money Again

Marc Faber: precious metals to outlast inflation and government tyranny

FedNow Launch Has BTC, ETH Dizzy | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: Gas and Go *Boom*

Founders: Something is up with BTC and ETH

Rabo: Globalization Is Dead! Long Live Mercantilism!

CTA Maven: "Don't fade the rally in gold"

Zen Moment: A Dog's Life Rescued

Founders: 2p.m. Today

"Forecasting The Gold Price Is A Mug's Game"

Hartnett Plants Flag, Declares Regional Banks Broken- (ZeroHedge Edit)

Weekly Part 1: Hartnett Declares Banks Broken

JP Morgan Gold Traders Contempt for the Law, Plan to Appeal their Convictions

Founders: Crypto vs CBDC

Barrick Gold | Market Rundown

Moor Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P and Bitcoin (Excerpt)

Dave Kranzler: 'Stocks May Now Be Whistling by Two Graveyards'

Zen Moment: Karate Kid

GS: Banks and Fed comment

UNLOCKED: Moor Technical Podcast for Gold With Updated Macro

Gold reopens up 1%

So Many Open Signs of Financial Disaster Ahead and Gold Working

Fed Preview: Hike, Hike & Skip, or Just Skip?

Founders: The Last Hike (?) Preview

Graph: 200 Years of Global Gold Production

**BREAKING: Bank Bloodbath Continues, Gold Soars above $2,000 Again

Moor Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, S&P, BTC

Founders: What to Buy Post Yield Curve Inversion

Rabo: We want to believe...

Zimbabwe To Introduce Gold-Backed Digital Currency

FX Reserves are Risky

Preview: Arcadia Economics Monday Podcast

Leeb – JP Morgan’s Massive Gold Derivative Short Position May Be Larger Than The Bank’s Assets

Russian gold production soars

Founders: Hartnett is Bearish

Weekly: Stocks are The New Silver

How Chess Pieces are Born

Why are Central Banks really buying Gold?

Gary Gensler Links Crypto With Cash In Viral 2018 Video, Crypto Twitter Blasts Hypocrisy

Note: Where's Zoltan?

Founders: Where's Zoltan?

Moor Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, S&P, BTC

Amazon's Armageddon | Market Rundown

(Not So) Zen Moment: You missed a spot

FT Op-ed: What Strong Gold Says About The Weak Dollar

Watch: Fed Chair Powell Gets Prank Interviewed in January, admits 2 more hikes

Founders: TS Lombard on Gold and Commodities

Moor Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, S&P, BTC

Report: Gold vs Industrial Commodities | Market Rundown

Zen Moment: Grooming a Puppy

Gold, Mercantilism, and The End of Pax Americana

Prof. Gensler on Crypto as a Commodity

Founders: Google Earnings

Moor Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, S&P, BTC

Second Major Bank Says $2500 Gold in Cards | Market Rundown

Dog Agility: In second place, the Husky

U.S. Debt: Visualizing the $31.4 Trillion Owed in 2023


Visual Graphic: Global EV Production by Brand

Founders: Bitcoin

The FeedBack Loop: Why is the Press Talking About Gold and Silver So much?

Central banks load up on gold in response to rising geopolitical tensions

A massive price tornado is brewing for precious metals.

Founders: Very Long Silver and Very Profitable Gold Right now

Weekly: Bank Calls For $28 Silver Inside Ninety Days, $30 in Six Months

Going My Way?

Citi Says Silver is Best Asset if Dollar Falls

The BRICS vs G7: Mercantilism, Multipolarity, and War

Fed Paradox: Raising Interest Rates accelerates inflation in core items

Silver Institute: Demand Set Records In Every Category In 2022

Founders: The BRICS vs G7 Cold War

Inflation Bomb: Christine Lagarde Just Showed the West's Hand

Zoltan Interview: "You basically see a commodity supercycle in embryonic form"

First Gradually, Then Suddenly... The Everything Collapse

Moor Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, S&P, BTC

Must Read: "The next $200 is more likely higher than lower”

Look What I did!!!

Founders : Miners Earning Season

"San Francisco's changing landscape raises questions on municipal solvency"

Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, BTC

IMF Unveils 'One Coin To Rule Them All'

Ethereum's Big Week

Tokenized Gold & Silver Will Explode Prices

Weekly Part 1: Tokenized Gold Gets Big

Chipmunk tasting almonds for the first time

Founders: Tokenized Gold First Look and the Death of San Francisco

Arcadia Economics: Reviewing Ben Bernanke's Book (Plus)

BBG: In Defense of Dollar Dominance

Silver vs. Stocks

Rabo: Common good, prosperity, and thinking

Gold Dips, then Rips on Very Soft PPI

BBG: Entering the Real Rate Sweet-Spot

Technical Podcast for Gold, S&P, BTC

Founders Wednesday: UBS Report Likely Hammers Big Tech

CPI Prep: The Fed is Still Lucky, Not Good (Yet)

Zen Moment: Bunnicula Strikes

De Gaulle of the man!

Substack answer to twitter:

Excerpt: Moor S&P, Gold Podcast

Founders Tuesday: GS CPI preview for Trading desk

The Petrodollar is Dead to China

Zen Moment: The Spill-Proof Bowl

Founders Monday: Commercial Real Estate

Excerpt: Moor Energy Podcast

Analysis: The Fed Adds Instability | Market Rundown

Gold and Silver Week Ahead

Gold at $2050: Enter the Gamblers

Happy Anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1933 Gold Heist

Why Interest Rates Are Not Going Back To Zero

Central Bank Gold Buying Shows No Sign Of Slowing Down

De-dollarization Has Begun.

Tigger Warning

**SPECIAL COMMENT: The most important chart in Precious Metals and Commodities

IMF- Liquidating Gov't Debt

Pozsar's Warning Of Dollar's Waning Sway Comes True

Excerpt: Moor Gold and S&P Podcast

Bank: (No One is) as Good as Gold | Market Rundown

Founders Thursday:

Founders: Moor Energy Podcast Excerpt

All About Gold and Oil Today | Market Rundown

Founders Wednesday: Morning Briefings

Silver & Gold: The era of real assets re-balancing against financial ones is at hand

Founders: Gold, S&P Technical Podcast Excerpt

The expert who pioneered ‘quantitative easing’ has seen enough: Central banks are too powerful and they’re to blame for inflation

Must Read Uranium Outlook | Market Rundown

Founders Tuesday: Uranium, Gold, OPEC & Morning Briefings



Founders: Hartnett's Pop Music Flow Show

ROY SEBAG: "They're All Libertarians" Until Their Deposits Are At Risk

Pozsar: "Keep an open mind or get financially repressed."


Weekly: CBDC is Here and "Could Deliver Financial Stability Gains"

Financial Repression Has Started.

BREAKING: Most Important Gold Week Ever Just Got More Important

Peter Schiff: Bank Bailouts Will Devalue The Dollar

Founders: Thursday Macro Parallels by a Pro

Silver Spiking Again | Market Rundown

The Case For Gold Is Looking Stronger

SPR Refill Update

Founders: Wednesday

Breaking: The Gold Smackdown Rule | Market Rundown

Founders: Gold, S&P Technical Podcast Excerpt

Founders: Tuesday

Bloomberg Intelligence: Gold May Not Look Back | Market Rundown

Gold Prices Reflect A Shift In Paradigm, Part 1

Founders: Monday

UBS, PAMP debut ‘Carbon Compensated’ Gold ETF

SPECIAL: Gold Tactical Trading Prep

Bank Crisis: Markets View Gov't Actions as Insufficient

Founders: Sunday

Weekly: QT is Dead, Long Live QT

Weekly Part 1: Hartnett Says Rate Cuts Are Coming and Very Nasty Inflation With Them

Unease Over Banking Sector Turmoil Spurs Huge Demand for Precious Metals

Crypto Take: David Sacks and what happened as SVB collapsed

Gold's Most Important Weekly Close Next Week.. Ever | Market Rundown

Founders: with Gold, S&P Technical Podcast Excerpt

Founders: with Technical Podcast Excerpt

**Goldman Gets Serious on Gold | Market Rundown

Gold Spikes on Dovish Fed

U.S. States Ranked by the Value of their Mineral Production


Founders: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast

**FOMC Prep Big Three | Market Rundown

Bank Run Done | Market Rundown

Founders: Tuesday-Update

Brynne Kelly's Monday Oil Report

The Neutral Option

ATTENTION: Access issues

Brynne Kelly's Monday Oil Report

WATCH: Gundlach on the Banking Crisis and Gold- March 17th

Weekly: Excellent Gold Report (Finally) Touches All Bases

Founders: Sunday

Weekly Part 1: How (Likely) Dollar Death Actually Happens

MUST RE-READ: Banking’s Woke vs. Unwoke Split and the CRE Collapse

Gold Futures Comment


"Solvency issue is NOT solved by liquidity solution." Academy Securities

Founders Thursday

TD on Gold: How The Dollar Dies

How The Fed Broke The Banks

VIDEO FLASHBACK: Peter Schiff on the Fed's End Game

America Can Avoid Another Banking Crisis

QE & the Yellen Banking Crisis

Founders Wednesday

Europe's Banks in Turmoil, Gold rallies $30 | Market Rundown

SVB Lessons: If You Can't Hold It, It's Not Really Yours

Which pitcher had the most effective fastball in MLB history?

JPM Private Client Group: The Silicon Valley Bank Failure

CPI Prep | Market Rundown

Special: The FDIC Fund and Bailout

The Four Phases Of Hyperinflation, According To The IMF


Why Credit Needs A Golden Anchor

Founders Sunday Read

Weekly Part 2: Ferraris and Minivans

Weekly Part 1: This is What Happened at Silicon Valley Bank Friday

Video: California's Mother Lode Reborn

Two Former Merrill Traders Sentenced To One Year In Prison For Precious Metal Manipulation


What is Going on at Banks? | Market Rundown

Founders: Friday

Idaho Treasury can now hold state funds in physical gold and silver to help secure state assets against the risks of inflation and financial turmoil

WATCH: Weaponization of the Federal Government Panel

Founders: Thursday. NFP Quick Prep

Central Bank Gold Buying Takes Up Where It Left Off To Start 2023

Gold, Silver, and Miners | Market Rundown

Founders: Wednesday

History Of The World Part II

0DTE Podcast: The Definitive Primer

Comment: Gold, Stocks, and Fed Sponsored Landings

Founders: Tuesday

Oil Weekly: US Exports to EU and China Grow to Russia's Dismay

German Hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic in photos

BREAKING: Perth Mint Manipulated Physical Gold Delivery to China for Years

Tom Luongo: Davos Now Has BRICS' India in its Sites, Having Hurt Brazil

Founders: Monday

Founders: 0DTE Notes for Today

Weekly: Warning- Russian Gold For Sale

Unlocked: 0DTE Options Discussion preview

Hartnett Gets Brutal on The Future | Market Rundown

Founders Important Update

**ATTN: Technical Podcast Update**

Goldman: Can the Gold Comeback Continue? | Market Rundown

Oil: India’s Grand Plan for Suez Cargoes

Update: Central Bank Post

Meet The Central Bank(er) of Central Banks.

Energy Exclusive: The US Has Declared War on Brics Oil- Brynne Kelly

Kamikaze [Geopolitical] Strategies

Suez: The USA Aims to Isolate Opec Oil

China's Central Bank Likely Owns 4,309 Tonnes Of Gold, More Than Double What Is Officially Disclosed

Making Microchips

Founders Note: Sunday Discussion

Weekly: The Beatings Will Continue

Macleod: "CBDCs are an opportunity for the BiS to double down on attempts to manage economic outcomes and restrict personal freedom."

Weekly Part 1: Echoing Pozsar, Hartnett says "War is Inflationary"

Exclusive: Why ChiPs may be as important as Oil in the Future

UNLOCKED: The John Paulson Interview

Special Fed Summary: Broke-Back Camels and Baby Black Swans

Billionaire John Paulson: You Need Gold, Not Dollars

Geopolitics Is Now Geoeconomics

EXCERPT: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

Founders: Tesla, ChatGPT, FaceBook, and Nat Gas

BREAKING: China Calls the USA out Publicly

How A Country Loses Its Currency Reserve Status

Oil Weekly: Playing Chicken with OPEC

Weekly: Gold and Silver Hypothesis Restated

SPECIAL NOTE: Zoltan Gave us a Clue on the Current Situation

Tesla Business Model Class Prep

Full Video: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

UPDATE: Gold Will Go Parabolic This Time- Paulson

Exclusive-Brazil plans legislation to crack down on laundering of illegal gold

UNLOCKED: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

Final CPI Prep: The Fed needs you to get fired

CPI Early Look

Gasoline Needs to Lead the Next Rally

Tomorrow's CPI and Structural Inflation

Founders: Sunday Note

Weekly: Biden's SOTU About Rebuilding, Tax, Spending, and Chronic Inflation

Escobar: The Big Stiff - Russia-Iran Dump The Dollar And Bust US Sanctions

Why are Russian Citizens Hoarding Gold?

Another Big Week For Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Founders: Metals Research Preview

"Gold may be overbought, but who's going to sell?" | Market Rundown

ACTIVE TRADERS: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

BBBY Converts

Special Stock Macro Comment

Visualizing Gold’s Return Across Currencies

Financial Repression is Back

Powell's Speech Tell Us The 1970's Style Slow Bleed is Officially Back

"U.S. Gov't is building a deep inefficiency into an oil market that has spent decades becoming incredibly efficient."- Why?

ACTIVE TRADERS: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

The Two Golds | Market Rundown

Founders: Gold, Silver CTA/COT Assessments, Sunday Stuff

Newcrest Mining digs in for M&A talks, calls in advisers

Unlimited Tether issuance to one whale may be artificially boosting BTC

Weekly: Sleepwalking into a Selloff

Founders: Stock Macro Update

Part 4: Zoltan Pozsar's Trade Recommendations

What Happened? | Market Rundown

Seth Klarman: 20 Forgotten (and 10 False) Lessons from the 2008 Crisis

Founders: Just In

FED DAY: Market Thinks "One and Done" After Today. What will the Fed Think

Pozsar: YCC needs to "keep the wheels on the cart" or the dollar is dead.

IMF Paper- Gold as International Reserves: A Barbarous Relic No More?

Visualizing the Scale of Global Fossil Fuel Production

War and Peace Analysis in PDF Form

ACTIVE TRADERS: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

Busiest Week of the Quarter | Market Rundown

Founders: Too Lovey-Dovey?

Addendum: Return of the Gold Standard

“Golden ruble 3.0” – How Russia can change the infrastructure of foreign trade

Video: The BRICS SWIFT Substitute


Zoltan Poszar's "War and Peace" Broken Down

Corporate Finance: Week 2 Study Materials

You, Neel Kashkari, can do better.- James Grant

Central Banks (Re)Turn To Gold As Losses Mount

Gold is Money. Silver is More

Smart Money: "The Metals and Mining Share Revaluation is in its Infancy."

Founders Sunday Session

ACTIVE TRADERS: Gold, S&P, Bitcoin Technical Podcast (Beta)

Founders Note: Compelling logic to own miners

TECHNICAL TRADERS: Bullish Post-Bottom (But Pre-Breakout) Sentiment Not to Be Ignored

China Owns All The Copper | Market Rundown

Davos May Deplatform Oil 'To Save the Earth'

Oil: What is the Deal with Refilling the SPR?

The Real, Ruble, Rupee, Renminbi and Rand vs the USD

Gold’s Awakening May Make Investors Sleep Less Soundly

Silver & Gold Notes: Be Careful This Week

Weekly: Mining Industry Ripe for M&A

Friday | Market Rundown

Special Message To GoldFix Readers of the Precious Metals Persuasion

Some Basics Regarding PetroDollar Death and Gold Backed Currencies

Pozsar: Great power conflict puts the dollar’s exorbitant privilege under threat

BREAKING: CNBC says Silver prices could touch a 9-year high in 2023 —

What is Fascism?

ACTIVE TRADERS: Gold Technical Podcast (Beta)

Poszar Was Right: Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade Plans In Davos

World War Three is raging, regardless of what some say.

The Top 10 Best and Worst-Performing Commodities of 2022

ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Podcast Excerpt OIL (Beta)

BOA Goes Green on Gold and Why You Should Care

Founders Podcast: China Wants to Unlock Gold's Value

ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Podcast Excerpt Gold and S&P (Beta)

Is China ramping up Gold Purchases? | Market Rundown

We have enough gold to exchange for oil - Bank of Ghana

WEF: Don't Call it the Great Reset Anymore

Founders Note: First Look

YCC explained

Three Havens For Top Risks In A Turbulent Year

Founders Note: Making Central Bank Gold Purchases Count

Weekly: Pros and Cons

Weekly Part 1: China Wants The Gold

The Forgotten History Of The 1970s

5 Reasons Why Gold Is Green

Zoltan Pozsar: The Coming Gold Bull Market

Special CPI Note: The Die Is Cast for Gold

ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Podcast Excerpt Gold and S&P (Beta)


Founders Note: CPI Prep

Markets as proxy for global governance

The Fed Needs You to Lose More Money

ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Podcast Excerpt Gold and S&P (Beta)



Bri 2.0


ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, S&P (Beta)

'If the Fed is committed to fighting inflation, 3900 is an easy sale' - MS


Macro Bias in an Anti Goldilocks World

Founders Note: Hartnett & Zoltan's Latest

Weekly Note: GS on Gold, Zoltan's "reading list and a 2023 Wish List

Weekly GoldFix: Goldman's Report is Probably Why Gold Went Ballistic Friday

Economist Who Pioneered Yield Curve inversion as Recessionary Says: “I believe the time to end the tightening is now”

2023: The ABCs Of CBDC, The Great Reset(s), & More Centralized Control

ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Podcast Excerpt for Gold, Oil (Beta)

NFP Day, and Goldman Recommends Gold Again

ACTIVE TRADERS: Technical Levels for Gold, Oil Podcast Excerpt (Beta)

Preview Goldman's Latest on Gold | Market Rundown

Founders Note: Goldman's Trade Desk on Gold

ACTIVE TRADERS: Moor's Gold, S&P Podcast Excerpt (Beta)

The Metals Train | Market Rundown

Founders Note: Yet Another Zoltan Piece

ACTIVE TRADERS: Morning Gold Levels, Energy Podcast Excerpt (beta)

Market Rundown | Gold Nears $1850, Silver $24.50 in Risk-on Party

Founders Note: The Fed Loves Stale Data

Gold, Silver, Analysis/Charts | Market Rundown

The Rising Tide of Authoritarian Capitalism